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Nico's Pov
After Sapphire and I got back last night I realised her hair had more black in it now. Even after she falls asleep I stayed up just observing things. I don't even remember falling to sleep all I know is I wake up to Hazel shaking me.

Nico... Ni..
She's cut off by my soft groan.
Sapphire's Gone.
She whisper yells.

What do you mean gone?
I ask now fully awake and I notice that our wings are finally gone.

I mean gone, I searched everywhere for her!
Hazel yells at me.

But she fell asleep before me.
I say confused.

And apparently woke up before us.
Hazel says matter of factly.

She could fly maybe she's on top of a tree or something.
I point out.

Jason already searched and Percy checked the lake. She's gone!
Hazel informs me impatiently.

I rush to get ready and run outside. I meet Hazel heading toward the group that is formed in the middle of the cabins.

Did anybody find her?
I ask as I reach up to Chiron.

No.. and she didn't go home or to Olympus I checked. Zeus doesn't even know where she is.
Chiron informs me.

Did anybody check Percy's place?
I ask remembering where she went when she found out she could teleport.

I did.
Percy says raising his hand.

And she's not there?...
I half ask and Percy shakes his head. I just sigh.

Where's Tyson?
I ask noticing his absence.

He had to leave.
Percy informs.

I don't think anybody heard me say that.

Where could she be?
I ask and everything goes silent as we all try to figure out the answer.

You guys, we have to find her.... remember the Great Prophecy... She's a god if we don't find her soon then Kronos...
Grover says but pauses as everyone begins panicking again at the mention of the Prophecy.

Leo's Pov
I wake up...get ready and walk out of my cabin. Everything is basically the same, except the fact that Thaniel, Percabeth, Calypthon, Jazel, Pason, Claris, Nemma, Joma, April, Ezomi, Thalia, Argus, Chiron and Grover are all panicking.

Whats going on?
I ask as I approach the group.

Thaniel opens his mouth to say something but closes it again as tears flow down his cheek.

Sapphire's missing.
Jason says softly so Thaniel doesn't hear.

I blurt out in disbelief. (Thaniel and I are real close like brothers, he tells me everything so I know how he feels about Sapph and she's been avoiding him lately now she's missing. He's never gonna get over this.)

Am... guys.
I say as my thoughts land on the prophecy from Wednesday.

They take a while to quiet down.

Didn't Rachel say in the Prophecy on Wednesday that a goddess goes missing. Did you all forget Sapphire is a goddess.
I continue after getting their attention.

Looks like the Prophecy is coming true sooner than we thought it would.
Chris says

She's really missing..?
I ask still not believing it.

Yeah... she's gone...
Nico says sounding upset before walking away into the shadows.
(Ok weird)

After breakfast we gather in the game room of the big house to discuss the Prophecy. Rachel is here now but Mr.D had to go to Olympus so he isn't here..

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