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Sapphire's Pov
My turn!
Leo happily exclaims rubbing his hand together scanning the room with a mischievous smile.
We're all in the Zeus Cabin playing Truth or Dare.

Just pick someone Valdez.
Hazel says rolling her eyes.

Ok ok..... Sapphire
He says turning to me.
Truth or Dare?
He asks anxiously.

Ah... Dare.
I say and regret it instantly.

I dare you to kiss Nico.. here In front of everyone.
Leo say after a brief moment of silence.

I glance over at Thaniel and see his body get tense my gaze trails over to Nico who was look at me then Thaniel and back to me.
Since we got back I've tried to avoid both of them till I can make a decision but its not working out... at all.
I suck in a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds looking at Nico before asking Leo...




Just do it!

I sigh

I walk over to Nico and sit next to him but turn back to Leo trying to point out the fact that Thaniel is in here.

It pains me to give you that dare but its just a game and we got to keep this interesting.
Leo says shrugging.... (him of all people should know not to give this dare.)

Here goes nothing.. I mentally tell myself leaning in and Kissing Nico.

As soon as I pull away I look over to Thaniel. He looks away and pretends to be occupied with something. I glance at Nico and I know he was looking at Emma.

Lets move on.
I say trying not to think much about it.

After a few people choosing truth and Me spacing out every two minutes Drew's turn come... (Drew is a stuck up... annoying, self centered, Nosey Little... Aphrodite girl.)

Thaniel... Truth or Dare?


I dare you to do the first thing you can think of to Emma.

Emma's eyes widen, her mouth agape as Thaniel walks up to her. He takes her hand and helps her off the ground where she was seated.
Pulling her in he connects their lips and Kisses her.

I grind my teeth knowing he did that on purpose.

Don't show signs of jealousy.... cause your not jealous!
I mentally yell at myself.

I find myself accepting his challenge.
I take Nico's hand in mine and he doesn't resist. He just looks at me and I smile causing him to do the same.

Half an hour later I look over at Thaniel and see him still looking at Nico and I, we are still holding hands as everyone does their dare and tells their truths.

I think I'm gonna go.
Thaniel says getting up and storming out.
Everyone looks at me as the door closes.

I ask confused.
You except me to go after him don't you?

Yup... we'll end the game here.
Annabeth says

Emma and a few others leave while the rest keep staring at me. I sigh and remove my hand from Nico's grip.

I say walking to the door.

Where could he be?
I ask myself aloud while scanning the area with my x-ray vision.

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