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Sapphire's POV

Look out! I yell and shoot an arrow at Annabeth's attacker. We're playing Capture the flag and its my first time playing. The Blue team consists of Hecate, Apollo, Athena, Poseidon, Hermes, Dionysus, Aphrodite, Zues and Hades. Red team got everybody else.

I run through the trees toward the stream and run into an Ares kid, quickly getting back on my feet I remember Chiron saying all Magic (weapons included) allowed. The boy raises his spear to strike but I move and turn invisible. I summon a huge snow ball and drop it on him I hear a muffled scream and decide to leave a little fire (which I started with my finger and a leaf) so that the snow would melt by the end of the game. I run off staying invisible and see Annabeth fighting swords to dagger with two red team members next to the stream. I summon a little water from the stream and take one off her hands startling him as the wave sweeps him away. While he was busy catching his breath and looking for me.. and Annabeth occupied the other I ran over to the other side and head for their flag. Invisible or not I'd have to take out the guards a boy and a girl who looked like Nemesis' children. I creep to the back of the boy and take him down disarming him in the process making the girl more alert than before. Still invisible I sneak to her side and activate Triam and becoming visible again. We fight for a few minutes before I disarm her and send her sword and human searching as I turn invisible again. I run up to the rocks and start climbing as I retrieve the flag I instantly make it invisible (yeah I can do that... awesome right!?) and run off to win the game. Almost at the steam I trip in something and unconsciously turn visible as I fall dropping the flag that slid a few feet from me and as if that isn't enough I catch the attention of Clarisse and one of her brothers.

"Sapphire!" She screams angrily running toward me as I get up.

As if it was a reflex action I turn invisible and run toward the flag but her brother grabs it before I do. Stopping dead in my tracks I think about a plan. Scanning the area I notice some piles of leaves all around me some were partly trampled but good enough. I start shooting flames at the piles in a straight line, only willing them to become visible when they touch the leaves, causing the half siblings to run in different directions within the same circle maybe trying to trap me but as they were far enough I made a run for it grabbing the flag. At the stream I become visible and jump into a wave I created taking me over to the other side and winning the game.

"And the blue team wins!" Chiron exclaims coming out of the woods.
"As usual extra dessert for the winning team...Freshen up everybody and I'll see you all for dinner." He adds before galloping off.

I enjoyed my entire meal Deserts especially, we are at the campfire and I'm not expecting anybody to be claimed because well all undetermined (except for me) are under sixteen.
After singing and a few announcements a boy I've never seen before stumbles into camp and comes all the way to the amphitheatre.

"Chiron!" He shouts then leans over panting. "I have terrible news."

"What is it, Ezekiel." Chiron asks bracing himself.

"The Kronos Renegade is recruiting half-bloods who've never even been here at camp before. Unfortunately Kronos did not fall completely. The little of him that went back to tartarus is rising. We have at least a month, maybe two if we're lucky." Ezekiel says still panting

Before Chiron could say anything there's a loud shriek from the crowd and Naomi runs out and wrestles him into a bear hug making Chiron jump.
Suddenly there's a loud 'thump' and Clarisse grabs her spare from her waist. "We've got border action" she shouts running up the hill to where Peleus was roaring at something/one and everyone follows.

As I get in front of everyone who was just watching I see some of the snake women and a man-bull or a bull-man, I learned in Greek Mythology class with Chiron are Dracanes the Minator.

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