Chapter 4 - Do You Like Him?

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Chapter Four - Do you like him?

Pulling up in front of the boys house Aleigha let out the breath she didn’t realize she had been holding. It wasn’t like her to be nervous like this, but she wanted to be accepted by Georg’s girlfriend. She didn’t know why she did, but she did.

Some subconscious part of her mind told her that it was because she wanted to be accepted by everyone who was close to Bill, not just his band mates. She ignored her brain this time.

“Aleigha, you coming?” Bill asked, holding open the car door.

Nodding Aleigha slowly got out. She glanced at Bill before looking towards the house and biting her lip. God, she couldn’t remember the last time she had been this nervous.

Tom looked back and chuckled, “Calm down, there is no reason to be scared.” He teased lightly as he opened the front door.

She felt Bill slip his arm around her waist and smiled, leaning against him a bit. It was good to have someone there for support, even if that someone was the one who’s friends you wanted to impress so you would be accepted.

“We’re home! And Aleigha’s with us.” Tom yelled out as they all walked into a very empty living room. The house seemed too quiet.

Then a scream sounded from upstairs and they all looked up just in time to see a thin blonde run down over the stairs, only to scream again as she looked at them all.

“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” The girl screamed again and started jumping up and down.

Her reaction made it clear to Aleigha who she was. Kelly. It was kind of obvious. No one who wasn’t a fan would have this strong of a reaction.

Glancing up at the amused looks on all the boys faces confirmed her suspicions.

Aleigha cringed into Bill’s side and hid slightly as she watched the girl jumping and screaming in excitement. It was beginning to give her a major headache. And she wasn’t a very happy person when she had a headache. Usually she was a straight up bitch.

“All right, we get it, calm down please!” She begged the girl, “I really don’t want to wind up with a headache.” Aleigha pouted slightly, making Bill laugh.

Kelly stopped screaming and frowned, “I am so sorry! Its just, its you! I cant believe this!” She ran over and pulled her away from Bill, hugging her tightly.

Aleigha hugged her back, laughing softly, “Okay, okay, I’m not going anywhere, you can let go. I do need to breathe you know.”

Kelly nodded and let go. As soon as she did Aleigha retreated to Bill’s side.

Bill smiled, looking down at her as he pulled her down onto the couch with him, keeping one arm around her waist.

Georg and Gustav came down over the stairs and looked at everyone before sitting down.

“Hey Aleigha, we weren’t expecting you.” Gustav mused, sitting in a chair.

Aleigha smiled, “Well, some things happened and the guys asked me if I wanted to come meet Kelly.” She paused to laugh, “I couldn’t resist, though maybe I should have. My ears hurt.” She teased, looking at the other girl.

Kelly blushed and sat in Georg’s lap, hiding her face in his chest with a mumbled apology. She knew she was acting like a total fan girl but she couldn’t help it. Aleigha Debeau was sitting right in front of her for christ’s sake!

Idly Kelly wondered what was going on between her favourite singer and Bill. They seemed to be getting all close and cuddly there on the couch. She had to admit it was cute.

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