Howls in the Night {Chapter One The Night When Everything Goes to Hell}

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Everything is peaceful. The night sky reveals all the stars and the full moon's light blankets the earth with its beauty. I sit at my window sill with a smile on my face. I love tonight. It is just so beautiful. I look out at the scenery. The woods that surround my two story victorian house seem to shine in the moon's light. Off in the distance I see the little lights of the town of Lunesta. I love how my house is on the outskirts of the town. I don't care for people so being on the outskirts makes things easier for me. A light breeze causes my long dark red hair to dance around me. The cold from the breeze cause my skin to bump in shivers. I keep on smiling. Nothing can stop my good mood. The night is just too peaceful and too beautiful.

I get up from the window sill and jump onto my bed that is right next to to the window. I keep my window open to let the cool breeze into my room. I look at my surroundings. My room is a beautiful emerald green color with old fashioned wooden furniture. I love nature, what can I say? I grab my backpack that is on the wood tiled floor and grab my math book. I am way behind in my Calculous class and I can only work at my full potential when the moon is full. So, needless to say, I am behind. I open my book and begin to study. The problems are simple. Math comes easy to me. I'm not sure why, but I am good at math.

Everything in my life seems to be going perfect. I am just starting my Junior year of high school. My dad just got promoted in his work of him being an outdoor wildlife scientist. My mother is finally home from her fashion show in Paris. My little brother is just starting fourth grade. I am starting my dance company again. Everything is perfect! Perfect life for Amber Conor!


I jump at the sound coming from down stairs. There is a loud crash and our dog, Dante, is barking his head off. I walk over to my door and press my ear to its wooden surface. Dante is still barking. I hear my dad walk out of his room and make his way down stairs. I open my door and sneak over to the stairway that hangs over the huge living room. Everything looks normal. Another loud crash fills the air. Dante squeals in pain. I gasp at the sound. I hear a gun shot and my dad screaming at something.

"What the hell?!" I am able to manage to make out. "What the hell is that?!"

I hear two more gun shots and then a slamming of something against the floor. I hear another crash. What is going on?! I see a shadow against the wall of the living room. I gasp at the sight. It looks to be a shadow of a huge dog! My body begins to tremble as I slowly crawl away from the stairs. My mother touches my shoulder and I flinch.

"Amber, get Simon and get to your room!" My mother hisses at me.

I nod at her, get up and run to my little brother's room. Simon is up and hiding under the covers. I shake his shoulder and pull the covers off of him.

"Simon, come with me." I tell him.

Simon nods and takes my hand. We make our way to my room when I hear my mother scream in fear. The sound of my mother causes me to run faster to my room. Once inside, I slam the door and lock it. My breathing becomes shallow from fear. I look over at Simon. He is crouched on the floor by my closet. I walk over to him and pull him into a hug. Simon begins to cry into my chest. I hold him tighter in my arms to reassure him that I will never let him go. The sound of more gun shots are heard. Simon whimpers in fear. I look over at my door, not knowing what to do. I hear my mother scream, and my father scream her name. I hear more banging and crashing. Finally, I hear silence. Tears begin to form in my eyes. What is happening?! What is going on?! Something attacks my door and Simon yells in fear. I look around my room to see if there is anything I can use as a weapon. I look and see the open window. I look back at Simon and force him to look at me.

"Simon, listen to me." I tell him calmly. "I am going to have you escape through the window. Do you remember where our tree house is in the woods?"

Simon nods at me with tears streaming out of his bright blue eyes.

"I want you to run to that tree house and stay there until I come and get you." I explain to him. "Do you understand me?"

Simon nods to me again. I grab his hand and pull him over to the window sill. I help him climb out the window and watch him crawl down the side of the house. He stops and looks up at me with fear in his eyes.

"Amber, are you coming?" He asks me.

"I will be right there." I tell him. "I promise I will be back for you. Okay?"

"But, Amber..."

Another bang comes from my door. I look back at Simon with worry.

"Simon go!" I yell at him as I close the window. I can't let whatever is trying to get in know that Simon escaped through the window. Simon has to get out safely.

Bang! Bang! BANG! I lock the window and dash for my closet. I shut the door to my closet and hide behind a curtain of cloths. I am trembling in fear. I take a deep breath and try to control my breathing. The sound of my bedroom door causes me to jump. I cover my mouth with my hands so that I am able to stop myself from screaming. I hear loud, deep breathing. I then hear what sounds like something sniffing. I hear footsteps walking around my room. I keep my breathing low and silent. I hear a low growl and the sound of something getting on my bed. I slowly crawl to my closet door and look through the key hole. My eyes grow wide with shock. It is a giant wolf! A fucking wolf! It's fur is thick and dark. Something was hanging from its mouth. I squint and see that it is Dante's collar. My heart drops knowing that our dog is dead. Blood is dripping from its mouth. It is sniffing my bed, as if looking for something. I accidently move a shoe with my hand and the wolf's ears perk up and its head darts towards me. I crawl back behind my curtain of cloths carefully and hold my breath. I hear the beast sniffing at the door. I hear it scratching at the door, like it is seeing if I would answer it. I keep still, my eyes staring at the door. I hear my heart beat in my head. My stomach begins to hurt from fear. Finally, the wolf walks away from the door and sounds of its footsteps leave my room. I wait for what seems like hours and slowly walk out of my closet. I tiptoe to the window and try to unlock it. IT WON'T BUDGE!!!! I begin to panic and without realizing, start making noise. I hear a growl and I turn to see the giant wolf baring its teeth at me at my door. I watch it, stare at it. Its fur is pure black, and its eyes are blood red.

The thing then darts at me. I jump out of the way just in time and run down the stairs of my house. I hear the beast chasing me. I run towards the front door of my house but skid to a stop and scream. My mother, my father, both dead on the floor. I look and see the shot gun by my father. I grab it and see that it has one more round in it. I turn and see the wolf running towards me. I take aim and fire! The gun penetraits it's chest! It howls in pain and falls to the floor! I drop the gun and run out the door. I dash towards the woods, my chest burning with pain. I run until I reach the tree house that is half a mile away from the house. I climb up the rope ladder and pull myself into the wooden building. I am greeted by my brother hugging me tightly. I hold him tightly and begin to cry. Tears just flow out of my eyes. I couldn't stop myself. I just cry. Simon then begins to cry too. Both of us sob our hearts out. We both know full well, that our lives are forever changed...

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