Howls in the Night {Chapter Twenty Finding Mates}

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Amber's POV

I finally separate from Blake, though my body and my heart protest. Blake stares at me, refusing to take his eyes off of me. The look makes electric shivers run down my spine. I manage to clear my throat, causing him to break his concentration.

"Um, I'm going to check on Liz." I tell him. "to see what she needs."

Blake nods to me, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips. He stands up next to me and gently takes a hold of my hand. He kisses it which sends pleasurable shivers through my body.

"When you get back, we should talk. " Blake whispers to me in his husky voice.

Man, this guy is amazing. He knows how he effects me I swear! I nod to him, a smile gracing my face. I pull my hand away from him slowly, truly not wanting to take it away. I turn away and head towards mine and Liz's room. I enter to find her giving me a strange look of confusion. Why is she looking at me like that?

"Why do you have a huge smile on your face?" She asks me still confused.

I blush at her question. I didn't know I was still smiling?! Damn you, Blake! A big smile stretches over Liz's face. Oh no, that look is never good! She then jumps up and pulls me to the huge bed in our room. She slams our butts onto the soft mattress and stares at me with her big brown eyes.

"What did you and Blake do?!" She practically shouts.

"How do you know it's something to do with Blake?!" I ask her shocked.

"You never smile like that! Ever!" Liz explains to me.

Unfortunately she had a point...

"Now spill woman!" She demands.

I sigh in defeat. This girl is very demanding. I explain to her about Lake's and mines make out session. As I explained, Liz is holding back squeals. Once I was finished, Liz grabbed a pillow and squealed into its fluffiness.

"I knew it!" Liz jumps up for joy. "I knew he had a thing for you! I knew it!"

"Liz, calm down!" I try to shush her. "Blake will hear you!"

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm just excited is all!" Liz tells me as she sits back on the bed.

I just roll my eyes at my best friend. She is way too happy about all of this.

"So, why did you want me up here?" I ask her so that the subject will finally change.

That is when Liz stopped smiling and got a serious look on her face. The look causes me heart to drop. Liz never gets like this. even with the subject being serious. I put my hand on top of hers to try to soothe her. A small smile reaches her lips, telling me that it is working. She let's out a breath and looks at me with concern in her golden brown eyes.

"When I was dressing Luke's wounds, he kept muttering something. I didn't catch it at first. I was too focused on making the bleeding to stop." Liz explains. "It was when I got the bleeding to stop was when I finally heard what he was saying."

She stops her story, taking in a breath as if still trying to comprehend what exactly happened. I stare at her, urging her to continue.

"Amber, has Blake ever said...that were his mate?" Liz asks me.

I am stunned at her question. Mate? What in the world is a mate? Why is she bringing this up? What does this 'mate' thing have anything to do with her story?

"What in the world are you talking about?" I asked her.

"I was hoping you would know cause, before Luke passed out his last words were, 'you are my mate'." Liz tells me. "I was hoping you knew what a mate was..."

"Honestly, I have no clue." I tell her, feeling bad knowing I can't help her with her question.

"Do you think Blake knows?" Liz asks me.

I stop to think. It is possible he would know. I mean, Luke and him are brothers after all. Maybe he would know what a mate is?

"I can ask him. Wouldn't hurt to ask." I tell her.

"Yeah, I guess." Liz says with a smirk. "Or you might forget to ask cause you'll be too busy making out with him. "

"Just let it go will ya?!" I snap at her as reddness hits my cheeks.

"Blake and Amber sitting in a tree." Liz laughs

"With that I am out of here." I roll my eyes at her.

As Liz continues to laugh, I got up from the bed and leave the room. My best friend is such a jerk sometimes. I still love her though. I make my way back down the stairs and see that Blake is waiting for me on the couch. My heart does and flip in my chest at the sight of him. He actually waited for me... He then looks to see me standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at him. A big smile hits his face. He taps the seat next to him, telling me to come sit. I walk over to him and sit on the spot he was tapping.

"Is everything okay with Liz?" He asks with his voice full of concern.

"Yeah, she's fine. Just a little confused." I tell him.

"What is she confused about?" Blake asks me.

"Well, I guess right before Luke passed out, he called Liz his...mate?" I explain to him. 

His eyes widen with shock. Maybe even surprise. I give him a confused look.

"Do you know what he is talking about?" I ask him.

"Actually, I do." He answers me. "But I think it is something we all need to talk about together."

I nod to him in agreement. I know he wants to tell me, but he wants to just let everyone know at once. He then stands up and holds out his hand to me. As I take it, I smile. He leads me back up stairs and we stop right at my bedroom door.

"Amber? "

I look at Blake, waiting to see what he wanted from me. A small chuckle wants to escape my lips. His hand is scratching the back of his head as the other is still holding my hand. His green eyes were full of worry and nervousness. It was absolutely adorable.

"Yes Blake?" I can't help but make it worse for him.

"I was wondering...If it's okay with you that you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?" Blake rushes out.

I stare at him in complete shock. Did Blake Howl just ask me out on a date?! Is this really happening?! My heart is screaming for joy at his question he asked me. Maybe Liz is right? Maybe he does feel the same way about me?

"Yes." I answer him. "I would love to go on a date with you."

A huge smile consumes him at my words. I laugh at his expression. He then pulls me close to him and presses his lips against mine, causing me to silence my laughter and get absorbed into the kiss. The world disappeared once again. It was only Blake and I standing alone. He breaks away with a smile still on his face.

"Goodnight Amber." He says to me as he walks towards his own room.

"Goodnight Blake." I say as I enter my own room, a huge smile refusing to leave my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2014 ⏰

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