Howls in the Night {Chapter Seventeen Where Loyalties Lie...}

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Luke's POV

I make it back to the cave...the cave where He is... My master. The one who I have been obeying. Crazy? Stupid? I don't think least...I didn't until...Until I ran into the Decider's friend...Liz.

Liz...there really isn't anything special about her. Except her beutiful brown hair. Her almost golden brown eyes. Her enchanting voice. Her intoxicating scent.... God, I sound like I found my... No. Liz isn't that. She is human. She is a disgusting human. The very thing that can destroy me.

Blake believes that the Decider is his mate. A pathetic human that he could never have. Something that I know Liz isn't to me. She is not my mate... She can't be.

I enter the terrifying cave, darkness swallowing my very presence. I walk slowly, allowing my paws to hit the ground silently. My heart beats against my chest. A howl bounces on the walls around me. I stop in my tracks, brace myself for an attack.


A large....very large wolf appears from the darkness. His fur is as black as night. His eyes are as red as blood. A scar runs along his left eye, the shape of the cresent moon. I gulp at His presence. I bow my head in what looks like respect, but really, it is out of complete fear.

"Yes, Master." I answer him. My voice strong in my throat.

"Why do I sense a difference in you?" My master asks me.

"There is no difference my Master." I answer him, not daring to look him in the eyes.

"You seem...distracted." Master chuckles under his breath as he begins to circle me in a menising manner.

"I am completely focused on the mission at hand." I tell him sternly.

"Are you?" He questions me. "Ever since you came back from attacking the Decider's school, you seem...entranced? Yes, that's the word. Entranced."

"Entranced sir?" I ask him.

"By her little friend." He growls at me.

"I feel nothing for that human." I lightly growl back.

My words are strong. But my heart...the words I speak seems to break it. But why? Maybe...maybe Liz is my mate? How can that be though? She is a human! It makes no sence!

"You better keep that in your head, Luke." My master growls at me. "You are my best commerad. I would hate for you to lose focus now."

"That will never happen, Master." I say to him with loyalty.

"Good, now, disappear from my sight." My master barks at me.

I nod to him, and walk away from the cave. Terror trailing behind me. Realization hits me like a ton of bricks. If Liz is my mate...then how am I to obey a wolf who wants to destroy her?


Master's POV

Luke is becoming weak. And that weakness is the Decider's friend. I know that she is his mate. Luke may be in denial, but I know the scent when I smell it...the scent when two wolves find their mate.

I feel myself want to bile at the thought. A wolf mating with a human. It already disgusts me that Blake and the Decider are entangles with one another, but my best commander? I refuse to allow that.

"Jordon!" I bark.

A young wolf covered in scars embraces my presence. I smile at this wolf. He is completely under my control, Jordon is. He has no mind of his own. Follows orders without question. Something that is useful to me.

"Yes, My Lord." He bows to me.

"I have a mission for you." I start.

"I will complete it with great haste." Jordon says.

"That is why I am having you do this." I explain to him. "Our little Luke is starting to lose focus on the mission at hand."

I pause and allow the silence take it's toll. I smirk at my nasty thoughts.

"I want you to kill the Decider's friend." I order him.

"I will do as commanded my Master." Jordon bows at me.

Good, it's time for Luke to decide. Me...or his little mate. Either way, she will die. She will suffer exgrutiating pain. And I will be there to watch and laugh at the sight.

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