Howls in the Night {Chapter Sixteen Confusion Before a Storm}

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Simon's POV

Blake told me to go get my sister and Liz for dinner. The aroma of the intoxicating smell caused my stomach to growl angrily at me. Curse my growing body! I was about to knock on the door when I heard Liz say something.

"Oooooohhhh! Sounds dirty!"

Oh wow, I walked up at the right time. Good information to hold over Amber's head later! Hey, I am her little brother after all. It was my job to do stuff like that. I pressed my ear against the door to listen to more of what is going on.

"Liz, I'm falling for him."

That was Amber's voice! Falling? In love? With who?! Ah, man this is good stuff!!! I strained my hearing as I pressed myself harder to the door.

"What do you mean, Amber?" I heard Liz ask her.

"I mean...I am starting to fall in love with Blake Howl..." Amber answered her.

I took my ear off the door. I stared at the door in shock. in love with Blake? I knew she and him had a thing...but love? Like how mom and dad loved each other?

"Are you serious?!" I heard Liz shriek.

I jumped at the sound of her voice. I froze in shock, not knowing if they heard me or not. The sound of a sigh of relief made me relax again. They didn't hear me. That's good. I leaned back into the door, to listen to the situation that was going on inside.

"Well, here's the thing..." I heard Liz explain. "When it comes for you to decide...What are you going to choose for Blake?"

I felt myself feeling bad for my sister. She is in love with Blake. A wolf who is proud of being what he is. How could she choose? That's not fair. Especially for Amber...

"I will choose to let him be a wolf. Something he loves to be." Is what I heard Amber say...

Oh no...Amber...don't. Poor Amber...Why does she have to choose? It's not fair!

"But, you realize if you do that, you and Blake can never have a life together."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach. Amber...She could never be with him...No matter how much Amber loves him...she could never be with him...

"Yes...I know."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped to see Blake standing right behind me. I looked up at Blake in complete shock. Blake looked at me in complete confustion.

"Simon, what are you doing?" Blake asked me.


I didn't know how to explain everything that I just heard. Blake deserved to know though...But I don't think now is a good time. I took a deep breath and put a fake smile on.

"Nothing, just spying on my sister."

"You know, that's not very nice." Blake smiled at me.

"Hey, I'm her little brother." I shrugged. "You expect anything different?"

Blake laughed at that. Blake was a good guy. Honestly, I wanted him and my sister to get together. Blake would never let anything happen to Amber, or to me. I knew it. I knew it deep down in my heart.

"Well, you need to get your sister and her friend down stairs for dinner." Blake explained to me. "My cook doesn't like us to eat the food cold."

I nodded as he walked back down the hall and make his way down the stairs. I sighed and knocked on the door. What I heard, I'm going to keep to myself. Things would work themselves out. Or at least...I hope they do...

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