Howls int he Night {Chapter Eight So Much for Doing Homework...}

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It is the end of the school day, and things are so...nice. Almost perfect. It's strange to think that, especially since this feeling of perfection is because of one guy. And that guy is Blake Howl. I walk to my locker thinking about him. Blake seems so...nice, sincere, and charming. He is also a great dancer. A VERY great dancer. I open my locker and begin to pack the necessary books that I am going to need for homework that day. Not to mention that he HATES Gigi. I smile at that thought when my phone chimes letting me know I recieved a text message.

Blake Howl.

Hey, Meet me in the at the front of the school. :)

I smile at the text. Yeah, I think it's official. I have a crush on the newest hot guy in school. I turn to see Liz reading the text over my shoulder. Her smile is almost as big as her face as she read the message.

"He is SO into you!" Liz shouts.

I hush at her, though people have already heard her obnoxious shout. She coveres her mouth with the palm of her hand, her smile still slightly reveiling itself. She takes her hand off her mouth and actually talks in a normal volume.

"So where is he taking you?" Liz asks me.

"We're going to his house to work on the acting scene that was assigned to us and I'm helping him with his Calculous homework." I answer her, feeling myself begin to smile again.

"Oh, my God!" Liz begins to shout again until I hush at her again. "What about your mustange?"

I then give her the keys to my baby. She looks at me with a huge smile.

"You scratch my car, I will cut you in your sleep." I tell her as I shut my locker door.

Liz just nods and gives me an anormous hug. She then leaves to take my car back to her place. Liz is just an amazing person. What can I say? I walk out to the front of the school to see a beautiful orange Mustange Boss 302! This is a 2012 car! It is amazing! I stare at it in amazement as Blake exits the car. He has a huge smile on his face. It is pretty obvious that I love the car.

"You going to just stare at it or are you going to get in?" Blake says in a smart ass tone.

I roll my eyes of course and get into the passenger seat. Blake's car is AWESOME!!!! I wish my 2007 mustange is this nice! I look at the clock on his dash board to see that it is 2:10. I then get an aching feeling in my chest. Simon...I want to see him. Blake must have noticed my mood change.

"Are you alright?" He asks me with a tinge of concern in his voice.

I look at him, the aching feeling still in my chest. Might as well ask Blake to take me to see Simon. I mean, what could it hurt?

"Is there any possible chance that we can swing by the elementary school to see my little brother's soccer practice?" I ask him. "I just want to see him. And then we can go to your place."

Blake gives me the smile that makes me want to melt. Ah, Hell, I am starting to have a crush on him...

"Yeah, no problem." Blake answers me with kindness.

Blake is such a nice guy. I smile and buckle myself in. He drove off through the parking lot and drove to the Lunesta Elementarty School.


                                                           Blake's POV

Amber asked me to take her to see her little brother. I think that that is the most adorable thing I have seen of Amber. She loves her little brother with a passion. That is something that all siblings should have. Then I think back to my past, how Luke and I used to be. We used to be close, until anger and power drove him mad. I shoke myself mentally and continue to drive towards the elementary school. I didn't mind giving Amber a ride to the school. It just meant that I could spend more time with her. I liked spending time with her. Everytime we were close, a feeling of connection came over me. I had a feeling that Amber felt it too.

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