Howls in the Night {Chapter Ten Mystery Revealed}

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Simon and I follow the dark brown wolf deep into the woods. I continue to hold onto the unconscience Blake Howl after he got injured by his brother. Still shocks me how his brother is the wolf that has been stalking me and killed my parents...Ick...A little depressing to think about. The dark brown wolf turns his head and nods to us.

"Through those trees are the Priests." He explains to us. "Tell them what happened."

"Thank you." I say to him.

"Don't thank me yet." The brown wolf slightly growls at me. "Though they may treat Blake's wounds, they might not treat you with such a welcome tone."

I hear Simon gulp in stress. I nod to the wolf and walk through the trees. I look to see a small village in the middle of a clearing. It is absolutely beautiful. Log cabins create a circle along the edge of the clearing. Torches follow along the cabins, creating radiating light. A little teepee stands in the middle of the large circular clearing. By the looks of it, that teepee is where the so called 'Priests' do their medicine work. An middle aged man reveals himself from the teepee tent. He looks at me with what looks like disgust, but then looks at Blake.

"What happened to him?" The man asks me, his tone full of defense.

"He was attacked." Simon says to him.

I shoot a look at Simon, telling him to keep his mouth shut. I glance back at the man. Other people start to form around us. There were men, women, even children of all ages. There must be only about twenty people in this village, or so that I can make out. I take a deep breath before I say my words.

"My brother was being attacked by a black wolf..." I start to explain. "Blake was only trying to protect Simon. He saved not only my brother's life but mine as well."

A loud whisper came from the crowd around us when I mentioned the black wolf. The middle aged man looks at me in astonishment. He takes a few steps towards me and looks deep into my eyes. I start to feel the fear coursing through me.

"The black wolf you mentioned," He begins to ask. "Does Blake happen to know him?"

"Y-yeah." I begin to stutter. "The black wolf called him h-his brother."

Shocks and awes come from the crowd. The man curses under his breath. I look at him in confusion. Is there something I am not aware of? The middle aged man scratches his head and sighs. He turns to two other men and motions his head towards us. The two men come and take Blake from me. They carry him into the teepee, leaving Simon and I with the villagers and the middle aged man. The middle aged man walks straight up to me and growls deeply.

"It's time for you and your brother to leave." He says to me.

"I'm not leaving Blake." I snap at him. I will admit, I am shocked that I snapped at a...well...a wolf. But the weird connection Blake and I have is telling me to stay with him. To stay by his side, and not even this guy is going to stop me.

The middle aged man looks at me in confusion. We look at each other in the eyes. That is when his eyes widen in astonishment. He takes a step back, looking at me as if I was the plague. Simon grabs my hand with his trembling.

"You..." The middle aged man says.

I look at him in confusion. What is this guy trying to say? What about me? He then begins to...bow?! The man is seriously BOWING to me! Simon looks up at me with a questionable stare.

"I apologize for my rudeness, Decider." The man manages to say.

The Decider? That is what the black wolf called me before we left my house. What the heck is a Decider? All of the villagers then begin to bow to me as well. As if I am some kind of queen. Simon then tugs on my hand to make me pay attention to him.

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