Howls in the Night {Chapter Six A Dream of Sorrow But A Day of Excitement}

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I am now staying at Liz's house. I told her that my grandparents kicked me out, but I didn't exactly tell her the exact truth.

"Why did your grandparents kick you out?!" Liz shouts at me. "I thought they loved you?!"

"They think I'm a bad influence on Simon." I lie to her. "So they kicked me out and kept Simon with them."

"That is totally messed up!" Liz shouts as she paces in her room.

Yeah, yeah, one lie after another. But what would you do? Liz wouldn't understand. That and I highly doubt she would let me stay if I told her a wolf is trying to hunt me down and kill me. So, I lied to her. I will stay here until I am able to find a place of my own.

"It's alright, Liz." I say to try to calm her down. "I'll be fine."

"Damn right you will be fine!" Liz says to me. "I'm making sure you aren't going to be on the streets homeless and hungry!"

"Liz I think you are over analyzing the situation." I chuckle at her.

Liz does have a way to over analyze things. One of the factors that make me happy to call her my best friend. She is right on one thing, if it wasn't for her I would be wondering the streets looking for a place to stay.

I look over at the clock on her night stand. It was 11:46 pm. I sigh and walk over to my suit case and pull out my night cloths which consists of sweat pants and a sports bra. Liz gets the idea and goes to change too. Weirdly enough, Liz has a queen sized bed and a fouton in her humongous bedroom. I lay on the pulled out fouton and curl under its covers. Liz turns out the light and snuggles into her bed.

"Everything will seem better in the morning, Amber." Liz says to try to comfort me. "You'll see."

"Yeah, lets hope so." I tell her as I feel sleep pull me into its grasp.


Wolves, wolves surround me in a huge circle. I should be afraid, so why am I not? All of them are friendly. All of them stare at me in amazement, in awe. I look down at myself and see me wearing a beautiful white gown that I could only imagin on Goddesses. A wolf howls into the air. Others follow. They were praising me. Showing me that I am their leader. I nod to them and take a seat on a chair that just suddenly appeared. A wolf walks up to me. A familiar wolf. It is the silver wolf with the beautiful green eyes. I watch it as it Transformed into a man. A very familiar man. That man is in fact, Black Howl. He is so beautiful. His jet black hair covers bits of his eyes, which seem to be glowing a wonderful green. He walks up to me and takes my hand. He stares into my eyes, causing my heart to skip a beat.

"My beauty," He says to me. His voice making me want to melt. "I promise to always protect you and keep you close to my heart."

I smile at this. I nod my head accepting his pledge. He then kisses my hand, not taking his eyes off of mine.

"You are so beautiful my Decider." Blake cooes to me. "My beautiful Mate."

Howls in the Night {Chapter One The Night When Everything Goes to Hell}Where stories live. Discover now