Howls in the Night {Chapter Two No More Perfect Life}

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That night still haunts my dreams. It has been three weeks since the attack, and the police still refuse to give Simon and I answers. My brother and I are living with my grandparents in Lunesta. Everything is just, well, not normal since the attack. Then again, how is it possible to have a normal life after something like that.

I get up from my slumber of nightmares and sigh in annoyance. I leave my bed and walk over to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and begin getting ready for school. I hear banging on the bathroom door which causes me to jump.

"Amber, hurry up!" I hear Simon shouting. "I need to use the bathroom!"

"Hold on! I am almost done!" I yell at him as I turn off the shower head.

I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around my body. I grab all my make-up and my blow drier as I open the bathroom door. I see Simon doing his potty dance and can't help but smile. He is such a goofball.


"Okay, then go!" I tell him as I walk back into my room.

I can't help but laugh as I hear the door slam. Simon is a good kid. It's good to see that the attack didn't tramatize him too much. Though if it did, Simon didn't show it. I go over to my closet and pull out a pair of brown baggy pants and a green T-shirt. I also grab a black belt and a pair of green converse that matches the shirt. I change into my cloths and plug my blow drier. I finally dry my long dark red hair and take a look at myself in the mirror. It is acceptable I guess. I grab my make-up bag and put on a little eyeliner and mascare. I don't like putting on make-up, but today feels like an exception. After examining myself in the mirror, I gave myself approval to show myself in public and grab my keys. I walk into the kitchen to see Simon all dressed up for school and eating Reeses Puffs.

I ruffle his blond hair with a smile. Simon looks up at me with a bit of a glare. He hates it when I ruffle his hair. Which is why I do it. It makes a little bit of my life somewhat normal. I look to see my grandma washing dishes in the sink and my grandpa at the table reading the newspaper. They are really nice people and extremely kind to let Simon and me to live here with them. I walk over to the fridge and grab myself an apple and grab the sack lunches I made for both me and Simon. I shake my keys to let Simon know that we are leaving for school. Simon reconizes the gingle and grabs his backpack.

"Amber, be careful driving will you?" My grandma asks me kindly with a smile.

"No worries, Grandma." I tell her as both Simon and I walk out the door.

"Be sure to pick up Simon after his soccer practice!" My grandpa yells at me.

I shake my head as I press the unlock button on my keychain. My little mustange beeps in response as I climb into the drivers seat. Simon climbs in the back because he knows I won't let him ride up front with me. I back out of the drive way and make my way to the elementary school. I pull up to the front of it and look back at Simon.

"Hey, try to have a good day at school okay?" I tell him.

"Yeah, like that can actually happen..." Simon replies as he gets out of the car.

I sigh and roll down the passanger window.

"Hey, Simon." I tell him. "Just know that no matter what happens I am always here for you."

Simon gives me a small smile which warms my heart a little.

"Thanks, Amber." Simon says to me. "I love you."

"I love you too, kid." I say to him as I drive away.

I make my way to Lunesta High School's parking lot and park my little mustange. I sigh in annoyance, knowing that today at school is going to suck. I get out of the car and lock it. As I walk through the halls to make it to my locker, I feel the glares of my fellow peers. I hear all their whispers.

Howls in the Night {Chapter One The Night When Everything Goes to Hell}Where stories live. Discover now