Heaven or Her?

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Skinny jeans, baggy tees,
leather jacket, black capris.
Got bloody knuckles
claims she didn't wrap her hands before using the punching bag,
can't drive yet, doesn't come to church much,
says she's got a lot of work to do,
but I suspect
that she doesn't attend
'cause she's got something heavy on her chest.

She's the girl with the bruise on her face 'cause she got in a fight,

she's the girl I dream of holding hands with every night,

she's the girl I long to talk to on the phone
for hours on end when I'm feeling alone,

she's the sun, I'm the moon, 'cause we're too far apart,

she's the reason I still pick up pieces of my young heart,

she's no Angel, she's no Devil, she's somewhere in between,
she's got the face of a princess, but the soul of a queen.

In God's eyes we were not meant to be,

but I can't help wishing she was here with me,

others may say she's just another plain face,
but if you ask me, they're jealous of her fine grace.

She's the piece of the puzzle that you never find, no matter how far you look, or how hard you try,

she doesn't know I know that she knows my pain,
at least to an extent, and her blood's on the chain,

the chain they use to beat us down,
with their lies, they us, try to drown,
it seems, to them, our lives are games,
they use us to be entertained.

I'm sick of all this desperation,
our tears are not an invitation,
all we ask is to be respected,
but what we get is to be rejected.

She's the girl with the bruise on her face 'cause she got in a fight,

she's the girl I dream of holding hands with every night,

she's the girl I long to talk to on the phone
for hours on end when I'm feeling alone.

She's the sun, I'm the moon, 'cause we're too far apart,

she's the reason I still pick up pieces of my young heart,

she's no Angel, she's no Devil, she's somewhere in between,
she's got the face of a princess, but the soul of a queen.

She's the gift I can't have, 'cause they say it's not right,

she's the wish I can't grant, she's the war I can't fight,

she's the change I couldn't make in a million years,
she's the twister of questions I ask through my tears.

She's the soul I was never meant to love,

she's the fear of the choice to live up above,

she's the beat of my heart, she's the crack in my sheild,
she'll be the death of me, she'll help me heal.

I want her, I can't have her,
I need her or I'll shatter,
I've got to make the choice, listen to a voice, and finally decide...

Heaven or her?


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