The Song of Strength

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Hey, I got you
and you got me
what else will we ever need?

Sure, people kick us down
and sure, we're pushed around

but we just gotta deal with it
think about the benefit
of sitting, watching, observing the game
as it's played, we can silently learn their ways

and if they win, well,
at least we tried
at least they don't know about all the tears we cried
'cause we're stronger now,
and that's a fact
after this experience we should feel like trash

people have used us
people have abused us
they threw us away
and went on with their day

but who really cares?
this won't affect us in the future
we haven't thought the thoughts they put in our heads until now
so pick it up,
no, not just your act, I mean yourself,
everything you've been insulted for
remember the words they said?
let them ring in your ears
become aware of your weaknesses
become aware of your fears

the only way to break them
is to get up now and face them
don't wait for a "better time"
get it together and sing your line!

This song is incomplete
without rhythme, rhyme and beat
without the harmony, melody, and instruments
so we need the whole world to bring them!


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