One night stand? Or was it more?

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I woke up to the sun shining in through the windows. I groaned. I got up but as soon as I moved my legs there was immense soreness in between. Struggling I walked over the the curtains and closed them shut leaving the room dim. I walked back to the bed well kind of wobbled back to the bed where I just fell on top of  it because I didn't feel like moving my legs much more.

"Did I really leave you that bad?" Asked a voice.

Shocked I looked up at Gerald who was brushing his teeth with only a towel wrapped around his waist and his body leaning against the door frame.

I looked at him for a second then I groaned and buried my head into the pillows. I was about to fall back asleep when I felt light kisses being placed on the small of my back. I moaned at the comfort. I then remembered I was still fully naked.

G- "are you hungry for food?"
Me- "no, I actually need to go" I say

I get up from the bed and stand up. I soon regret it for I am met with pain in between my legs again. Gerald must've seen my reaction because he got up and handed me some sweats and a t shirt that were his.

G- "here in guessing you want something comfortable to walk in"

He then kneeled down in front of me and helped me put on my  panties then the sweats so I would do the least movements possible.  He pulled up the sweats his hands grazing my legs when the sweats were finally up and tied so they wouldn't fall he placed a light kiss down there. He then folded the sweats up a little so they wouldn't drag on the floor. I was tall but he was much taller.

When he was done I placed my bra on and the over sized t shirt on.

"Thank you" I say

He just smiles at me.

G- "come eat breakfast"

Why was he being so insistent with breakfast?!

Me- "no, I should really get going" I say knowing what will happen if I eat
G- "Marilyn I wasn't asking"
Me- "what! We sleep together and now you think you can control me again?" The words come out harsher than I intended them to, "sorry" I say

I sit down next to him on the table for two. There was pancakes fruit and some juice. He serves me a plate of food and sets it in front of me. I slowly cut a piece of a pancake and stare at it as I stab it with my fork. I force it into my mouth and chew. I finish maybe half of the food before I find my self running to the bathroom trying to make it to the toilet. I vomit what I just ate as Gerald holds my hair back for me. When I'm done he helps me back up from the floor and I start brushing my teeth.

I spit out the toothpaste and look at Gerald who is staring at me.

G- "since when has this been going on?"
Me- "I-I don't know, a while now, maybe"

I didn't know what he meant. With the not eating or the vomiting everything I eat? If its the not eating then that started when we broke up. Now the vomiting started like 3 days ago.

Just as he opened the door to speak someone rushed into his suite which I soon came to realize was Matt.

Matt- "dude! Gerald! Did you and Marilyn work things out?" He screamed into the room.

He walked into the bedroom where Gerald and I stood.

Matt- "oh no fucken way! I guess there was more doing rather than talking! Nice to see you again Marilyn" he said pulling me in for a hug

He then pulled apart where he showed up the magazine with a picture of Gerald and I kissing along with holding hands in the elevator.


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