Chapter 2~ Wise advice

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"Achoo! Achoo!" Dylan Tanner reached for the tissue box by his bedside. "Too far...." He croaked. Giving up, Dylan groaned and flopped down on his bed. "I hate colds...." The bed dipped as Lily sat down. "That's why I'm here to help you. You should have called me,Dylan, I was worried sick." Lily pushed him down on his back and pressed a cold cloth to his head.

"You're burning up with a fever as well." Dylan closed his eyes. "It's cold...." He whined. Lily chuckled softly, and you're hot. You need to cool down." Dylan's mouth curled into a small smirk. "I know I'm hot." 

Lily smacked his chest. Not hard, but hard enough for him to know she wasn't impressed. "Ow...." He whined. "Don't hit me. It hurts..." She rolled her eyes. "Then stop whining." Dylan lay back down and groaned. "I want my mom..." Lily laughed. "Then why did you move out to live in this lonely apartment?" 

He pouted. "Not helping. I wanted a quiet place to myself. I was hoping you'd share it with me...." Lily chuckled. "Yeah, like my dad would completely agree, his daughter living with a 20 year old boy. Nothing wrong coming to his mind."

Dylan laughed a his girlfriend's sarcasm. It was one of the things he loved about her. Her head turned up as she sighed. "I with I could though." She breathed. "I haven't been able to spend time with you enough with school..." 

He nodded. He'd been thinking the same thing. But the summer break was starting really soon so he'd have all summer to be with her. Dylan couldn't wait. He'd made a list of activities for them to do once they were free. 

Dylan yawned. Lily kissed his head, making him smile like a four year old who'd just been given a lollipop. "I'll see you tomorrow Dylan." Lily smiled, pulling the covers over him. Dylan mumbled a goodbye before falling asleep in an instant. 

"I love you...." He murmured, snuggling deeper in his blankets. Lily smiled to herself. "I love you too, Dylan." 

As she closed the door of her car, and turned the key, Lily's mind went back to the words, her mom had spoken that morning. "I want you to take over my role as directer of the X Force." Lily hit her hand against the steering wheel. 

She didn't want to have that responsibility! How could she take it? She hated disappointing her mom, but she didn't want to do something that she simply didn't have the heart to do. Lily slowed the car down in front of the bridge and got out. 

The sun was hot on Lily's back as she leaned over the railing and gazed across the river. She hadn't been there in a while. It reminded her of the night she stood there and cried, wishing for Dylan back. And she'd gotten her wish. 

Lily closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She breathed in the fresh air, the wind softly playing in her hair. "Hey, Hamato!" Lily turned to see a Kawasaki ninja motorcycle leaning by her car. The rider dismounted and removed his helmet. 

"Mark! Hi." Lily swept a stray hair behind her ear. Mark was one of her best friends. Of coarse she had Jay and Amber and Henry, but Mark was closest to her. He was like an older brother. Even if they were the same age. 

"What brings you here?" Mark held his helmet at his side, grinning at her. "I could ask you the same thing." She had to smile at him. He may be a handsome flirt with a bad boy image, but around her, he was a five year old kid, who'd to his best to gain her approval. 

And his bunny toothed smile just made him cuter than ever. "I was just here to think." Lily turned back and stared into the distance. Mark stood beside her, resting his arms next to hers. "Hey. You ok?" Lily sighed. "I could be better."

"What's wrong." Mark asked. Lily didn't waste time in telling him the events that took place that morning. "Mom wants me to take over as directer of the X Force." Mark's eyes widened. "The one my dad is in?" Lily nodded. "The one and same." 

Mark whistled. "That's quite a load." Lily nodded. "I don't want the job though. I only want a normal life." She huffed a big sigh. "The life knowing someone died because you didn't make the right move, therefor you now have blood on your hands.....I-I don't want that."

Mark nodded understandingly and wrapped his arm around Lily's shoulders. "Don't worry, Lil. If you don't want to, tell your mom you don't want to. She'll understand. Follow your dreams." Lily looked up, into the distance.

"Alright, Mark. Thank you." Mark smiled and rested his chin on her head. "Anytime Lily." All of a suddenly Lily's phone began to ring. "Hello?" Lily answered right away. "Lily? It's Uncle Jack. Can you meet me as soon as possible?" 

Crossfire ~ {Book 2 in the Emerald of Annihilation Trilogy} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now