Chapter 14 ~ The plan

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Lily's POV.

I grinned at the five teenagers in front of me. "So what was your big plan?" Amber crossed her arms. "Well. I pointed at papers I had pinned on the wall last night. I had stayed up all night researching, tacking, pinning drawing, and note taking. 

I hadn't slept a wink that night. "This," I gestured to the wall full of news articles and maps, with pins like arrows piercing the paper. "Is our way into Viper headquarters." They looked at the mashup of colours and words completely lost. 

"Thank you Dylan, by the way. For the idea, and inspiration." He blinked a couple times, clearly confused. "So, Lily," Mark leant back on the door post and folded his arms. "How are we going to get in without being seen and identified? I am quite sure Viper has files on all of us. Our parents are clearly on their to-kill list." 

I grinned. "Good question, Mark." I grinned. "Viper definitely knows the faces of Dylan and I." I pointed to a map where there was a big red pin stuck in an exact location. " where we are going."

Jay shifted, leaning forward in his seat. "But, that is all the way in Chicago, if my cartography is wrong." I nodded. "Yes, it is. The Viper base here in New York is too risky. They all know us. But the news would take quite a long time to reach Chicago. And...." I pointed to a file from the XForce top secret documents Uncle Duke had let me borrow. 

"According to these files, there is a prisoner section of the compound. It would make sense since it's the second biggest Viper compound." They all nodded. Then Henry spoke up. "But how will we get in? They're not just going to take six teenagers in and immediatly give them the key to the dungeon." I nodded. "Exactly. Which brings me to my thanks to Dylan for the bright idea." Dylan again looked lost. 

"How exactly did I inspire this?" He asked. I sat on the swivle chair and rested my chin on the back. "You said last night, 'Don't try so hard to fit in, when you were born to stand out.' That made me think. What if we didn't try to fit in? That's what Viper is looking for! We should stand out. We go in there and bam!" 

I grinned widely. "A dramatic entrance." they all nodded, happy with the idea. "Woah, woah, woah." Amber held up her hands. "That still doesn't answer the question; how will we get there, and do we have enough time to climb the ranks." 

I stood and folded my arms. "We have already been trained. Don't worry about how we'll get there, that's for me to know, and for you to find out. But if we show enough 'loyalty' and strength, we'll get where we want to be in no time." 

I looked at the five encouraged faces in front of her. "This is the best plan everrrr!" Jay raised his arms and grinned. Amber had to grin at her younger brother. "You goof-ball." She gabbed him in a an arm lock and ruffled his hair. 

I smiled sadly. I wished Buck and I had that kind of connection....I shook the thought from my head and pushed back out the smile. "Ok, lets get the car packed up and set out. We're going to Chicago." 

They cheered and ran out of the room. I sighed and sat on the bed, glancing up at the paper-covered wall. "I think they're pretty exited about this 'first mission'." I sat up and looked over at Dylan who was leaning in the doorway. 

"Yeah." I stood. "But they don't know the risks fully." I sighed softly. "I don't want to have the blood of my friends on my hands. I don't want to be responsible for their deaths." Dylan hugged my shoulders. "Hey. You won't. You heard Duke. You are a born leader. You can do this. I trust you. And so do the others."

He pulled me into a kiss, mealting away the worries and doubts. How did he have this effect on me? I wasn't complaining, but it was just.....amazing. 

The next morning found us sleeping in the truck on the side of the road. We had almost reached Chicago. I yawned and turned in my seat, looking in the back seat where Mark, Amber, Dylan, and Jay sat/lay snoring. "Hey." I turned back to see Henry. He had insisted on having front seat since he didn't want to be inbetween the fighting siblings. 

"Hey, Henry. Slept well?" He nodded, stretching. "I want to ask you something." His face was serious, but I saw a hint of fear in his so, light brown eyes. "Sue thing. What is it?" I asked, a little suspicious. Henry looked at his lap, fidling with his fingers for a while before looking back at me. "What if.....what if we don't come back home..." I caught my breath. 

I had seen this question coming and wasn't quite ready for it. Not yet anyways. "Henry, we are going to get home safely. He nodded, but his hands were turning white from the clenched fists they were in. "I-I never told mom goodbye....I left her and dad a note." 

I nodded. "But your dad knows we're going. And he'll comfort your mom." Henry looked at me. "But how do you know I'll come back alive? I'm a tec kind of guy.....whiz with numbers and codes, not with bullets and knifes you know?" 

I nodded and patted his back. "That's why you are our computer tec guy. You would stay in the car and hack into systems and not ricking your neck with us. I promise. I'll keep you all safe."  He nodded and smiled. "My dad was right. You are a born leader, Lily." He yawned loudly and turned, shaking the others. "Seat belts on, sleepy heads, we're on our way once more." 

Mark swatted at Henry's hand, still half asleep. "Five more minutes, mom....let me sleep..." Amber laughed and slapped his shoulder, making him sit up, fully awake. "So, mr. Bad boy, is really a mommy's boy." Mark's face went red and looked out the window, buckling his seatbelt. 

A couple hours later we arrived at the rented apartment, Henry had so helpfully rented for a couple months. We weren't really going to stay there, as we would most likely be given dorms in the Compound, but we needed a home base to go to, and to store our weapons and suplies. 

We soon unpacked and were ready. "Ok, here's the plan. I handed them each fake id cards. These are identification card that give them fake info on each of you. Henry added an computer coded thingie that shows up when they scan the card. It will show you each commited differant crimes and federal offences." 

They nodded. I handed them each papers. "No weapons. No metal at all. We can't risk being found out, or them being suspicious. But these papers have your fake names, skills, ect." They looked at the papers and took them. 

Dylan opened his and read aloud. "Denver Tracy." Mark was next. "Mathew Liners." Amber opened hers. "Alyssa Slake." Then Henry. "Harry Danvers." And Jay. "Jason Slake." I grinned and read my own. "Laura Hunts." We all nodded to each other. "We ready?" 

They all nodded, confident. "As ready as we'll ever be." 

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