Chapter 18 ~ Ranking up

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Amber's POV. 

The morning came too fast. I was used to sleeping in. But when Lily shook my shoulder and forced me up, I had to comply. "Morning sleeping beauties!" Jennifer sang as she skipped into the room, tossing her makeup kit to a young girl with glasses. The poor kid almost dropped it, but gripped it tight. Who knows what Jen would have done to her if she had!

Jen looked at her watch.  A couple of her pose jogged in holding her towel and clothes. "Well, well, well...." Jen smirked. "I see only one bathroom. Anyone want to go first?" It was a rhetorical question. Of course, everyone wanted to. But she wanted to show her power and fill them with fear and respect for her. But she got nothing but fear. Not respect. 

"No one? That's a shame." Jen flitted into the bathroom after retrieving her things from the terrefied girls. Lily nudged my shoulder. "I'll take her tonight. Don't worry." I nodded. This little flirt was going down. 

After we had all had breakfast and were ready for what the day brought, Raven pulled me aside. "Who's that guy there?" She asked pointing at Henry, who was talking to a short, cute guy I'd never seen before. "Oh, that's He-Harry....he's a friend of mine." She nodded. "Ok."

"Alright, guys...." A deep and kind of attractive voice said. "Today we are starting with a hand to hand combat tournament."  I looked up and my heart stopped. A young man, about his late teens; early twenties was looking at an iPad and checking off names I guess. He stood in front of the group of us boy and girls and started naming out sparring partners. 

He had salmon coloured hair. He'd obviously dyed it, but he looked good with it. He looked up as he named the kids and paired them up. He looked up and it was all like slow motion. He looked up and our eyes met for a brief two seconds before he looked down and then....he looked up again and stared at me. Our eyes locking and holding for a good five seconds. "Alyssa with Trevor." He mumbled. I stepped forward and so did a boy I suppose was Trevor. He and I walked over to a mat that wasn't occupied. The sound of grunts and the occasional laugh filled the training room. 

Trevor raised his fists and smirked. "I'll go easy..." He grinned and wiggled his finger, daring me to take the first blow. I rolled my shoulder and attacked him. "Don't bother." Trevor ducked and wiped his foot across the ground, tripping me. I landed on my back with a thud. "Good try newbie." Trevor pulled me up and chuckled. "Ty harder." He got back into form and sent a high kick my way. I leaned to the right and grabbed his leg, twisting it and making him flip and fall. I grinned and looked up at Lily. She was going against Raven. 

Jay was against some girl I didn't know and Dylan and Mark were going head to head. I turned back as Trevor's fist nearly missed my head. "Not today," I smirked and jumped up as he swiped his lef leg under me again. 'Remember what Duke said....' I told myself. "Let go of any anger....." What was it that Lily had said when she beat me round after round? I blocked a punch from Trevor and countered it with a round house kick. 'Don't let your anger blind you.' I grinned and let out a deep breath. 

?'s POv.

I watched the new girl....Alyssa, sparing with Trevor. I don't know why, but she caught my attention. I watched as she blocked, countered, and attacked Trevor. This definitely wasn't her first rodeo. She moved like a cat and yet fierce as a tiger.....

Dylan's POV.

 "Where is it?!" When we had returned to the dorm, I searched the whole room. "Where is what?" Jay lay down and rests his hands behind his head. "My Jade!" I shouted. The other boys in the dorm had gone out for lunch. Mark, Henry, Jay and I had stayed back to go to the dorm. I had sparred with Mark and when he flipped me, I found my jade hadn't fallen out of my shirt like is always does when I'm upside down. Not that I experiment that.

Mark stretched. "Didn't Lily recommend you leave it with your mom? I would bring less attention to us." his eyes suddenly widened. "Wait.......YOU LOST IT?!" Jay sat up straight. "Dylan! Did you lose it?" I ran my hand through my hair. "I-I don't know.....I had it last night....." 

Mark groaned and whacked his head into the wall. "Now how are we supposed to finish our mission?" "Hey, keep it down," I warned. Mark lowered his voice. "If we are found out, we will be executed and Lily's mom and Uncle will not be found! Do you know how much this means to her?! You are her boyfriend! How could you not think of her?!"

I sank to the mattress and buried my face in my hands. "I know, I know....." Jay was panicking. "We have to tell the girls." I jumped up. "No! I mean, no yet." Mark put his head on his pillow. "Someone must have......taken it last night...." Jay looked up. I looked between them. "Guys.....we've seen the plans it would be used for.....we can't let Marcus Houston get his hands on it." 

Henry groaned. "Great! More danger, and another mission! Lovely." The sarcasm didn't touch my funny bone.....not one bit. "We can't let Houston get his hands on it...." I looked them all in the eyes. "There is no telling what he'll do."

Little did we know.......

Wow! Cliffhanger!!! Hope you enjoy!

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