Chapter 15

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<A/N> so someone pointed out that my characters are… well I don’t know how to put it but getting to the point that even though a girl play sports and dresses like a tomboy, that it doesn’t necessarily mean she is lesbian. And yes, I know that, a lot of my lesbian friends are girly girl. But i use my personal life sometimes while writing these books, well that’s how I write. I actually have a friend names Mary who is almost exactly like the girl in this story. Of course some things are my thoughts… but yea.

This is not me being mean or anything, I just felt like simply explaining myself.

Anyways hope you guys enjoy.

I stayed home that whole weekend. I even skipped my Saturday morning practice, which is weird. I one fell down some stairs and even while I was in pain and injured I went to practice. Although coach didn’t let me play a lot that practice… but anyways, skipping practice is a huge thing. HUGE.

I just didn’t feel like going. My Friday night was pretty much spent crying, I didn’t answer my phone all weekend. And I was extremely glad my mother was away for the weekend because she can get very nosy.

But I somehow felt alone, the one person I could trust with this was with Chloe. And I didn’t really feel like talking to either of them right now.

Maybe later.

By Monday morning I had nothing to do but to attend school, it’s not like I can really skip a lot of school. Especially for something like this. I’m just not sure if I'm ready to talk to Chloe yet.

“Hey Isabelle” I heard Mary say.

I was staring into my locker, getting my things for my morning classes. At that moment It felt like my hear was about to lea out of my chest, I was completely terrified that I would find chloe behind me.

But its not like I could run away from mary, she’s my best friend.

“hey” I said nervously, but I didn’t turn to look at her.

“why didn’t you answer your phone during the weekend, I was going to ask you to join Chloe and I to the movies.” She said, her voice full of concern.

Of course, probably because I always answer her calls.

“sorry, I couldn’t find my phone all weekend.”I replied with my lame exuse.

“really?” she asked in disbelief. “you’ve never lost your phone before.” She said with a questioning tone.

I chuckled nervously. “I don’t know, I just misplaced it. I still haven’t found it.” I said with a small shrug.

I finished putting my books in my bag, but I still didn’t really want to look at her.

I felt her hand on my shoulder as she turned me around to face her.

“what’s wrong?” she asked me with concern.

I sighed as I looked over her shoulder and saw Chloe standing there, concern in her eyes, but she had an uneasy smile.

“I'm fine” I said while putting on a forced smile.

She kept her serious face, and the concern in her eyes as she looked from me to chloe. Back and forth.

“okay… this is awkward.” She said with a nervous chuckle.

I smiled. “like I said, I'm fine. Now I have to get to class.”

I turned back to my locker and closed it.

As I was walking away I felt chloe grab onto my arm.

“what’s wrong Isabelle? Are you mad with me?” she asked. Her voice sounded sad.

I smiled, and shook my head. “of course not. It’s not like you did anything wrong” I said while unintentionally pulling my hand away from her, a little too roughly.

I sighed as I walked away from her. Maybe, if she doesn’t know what she did, then maybe she didn’t say those mean things.

But at the same time, I couldn’t bring myself to hope. Some girls can be two faced, and I might like chloe, but I don’t know her well enough to say that she isn’t….

Ill just have to figure this out later.

A/N I'm going to upload tomorrow as well so don’t worry that its short. i just felt like explaining myself :D

But still, vote and comment.

What do you think, did chloe say those things.

Yay, or nay :D

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