Chapter 2 - Caught Red Handed

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You made your way home, feeling it starting to sprinkle. You opened the door, relaxing as the warmth of the house set in. But something was odd...instead of the normal fighting and chaos of all the grunts, it was quiet. As if no one was there. 

Then you heard it. Moaning. Was it Plumeria? You stepped upstairs, attempting to find out where the noise was coming from. You stopped at Guzma and your room. You opened the door and saw exactly what you hoped wasn't happening. 

"Guzma..." you felt tears slip down your cheeks. He turned and saw you, guilt on his face.

"Y/n, it's not what it looks like!" He stood up in his Pokeball underwear. You felt your sadness boil into anger. You moved over to your dresser and pulled out some clothes, shoving them into a suitcase.

"Baby! Stop! What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving." You closed your suitcase.

"It's not like that! I love you!" You turned around and slapped him as hard as you could. 

"Don't say those words unless you mean them." You stormed out of the house into the pouring rain, unaware of Guzma following you. 

"Y/n, please. Don't go! I can't be happy without you!"

"I don't know, you seemed pretty happy foot deep in Plumeria."

"That didn't mean anything, I want you!"

"If it didn't mean anything, then why did you do it?"

He was in silence

"That's what I thought. It's over, Guzma." You felt the tears slide down your cheek as well as the rain as you stormed away from the man you thought you loved. 

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