12- Netflix + Chill

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At around five, Rachel, Ashley, Jacob, and Mark come over.

"Hey guys," I smile.

They walk in and I pull Ashley and Rachel aside.

"Carson asked me out," I squeal.

"No way! Jacob asked ME out!" Rachel smiles.

"Mark asked me too!" Ashley smiles. We grin and walk to the couch. I cuddle up next to Carson, Ashley and Mark sit on the chair together, and Rachel's on Jacob's lap playing with his hair.

"What do y'all wanna watch?" Carson asks.

"A scary movie," Jacob smirks. Mark nods.

"I don't like scary movies," Rachel whimpers.

"Same," I pout.

"Well what do you wanna watch?" Carson asks, grabbing my hand. Rachel and I smirk at each other.

"Gravity Falls!" we shout in unison. The guys roll there eyes.

"You're so weird," Carson chuckles.

"Why thank ya," I say flipping my hair. He laughs and turns Gravity Falls on. At around 11, we finish the first season. Carson's phone buzzes and he groans.

"I have to go. Olivia is watching us," he rolls his eyes. I laugh.

"Yeah, we should go," Mark and Jacob agree.

"Mark, do you wanna sleepover at my house?" Ashley asks. Mark nods and they leave.

"Bye y'all!" they shout before the door closes.

"Hey, bro, can I stay at your place?" Jacob asks Carson. He nods.

"Bye princess, I love you," Carson smiles and kisses me. It was a quick kiss on the cheek, but I loved it.

"Bye, baby, I'll see you tomorrow?" Jacob asks Rachel hopefully. She nods and kisses his cheek. He smiles and Carson and Jacob leave.

"Wanna stay over?" I ask Rachel. She nods.

"Yeah, let me just text my dad."


The next morning I wake up to my phone buzzing.

morning princess. can I take you out

sure prince. what about Rachel?¿

last I heard, Jacobs taking her somewhere

okay. I have to get ready tho. and wait
till she leaves

alright princess. I love you so much

I know prince:)

"Rachel, we have to get up," I shake her shoulders. She looks at me.


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