24- Trouble In Paradise

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I'm sitting on my bed finishing my report for History when I hear the doorbell ring. I hear Ryder's voice and I roll my eyes.

I go downstairs to see someone I wasn't expecting to see.


"Hey hunny," Ryder flirts.

"Ew, Ryder, you have a girlfriend," I remind him.

Ryder recently started dating this girl named Rebecca, we call her Becca, but none of us understand why she likes him.

"They can be sister wives," he winks.

"Go away," I groan, and push him out of the way.

"What do you need Rachel?" I snap.

"Look Abbey, I'm really sorry about what happened. But I need to talk to you," she pleads. I sigh.

"Come on," I sigh and we walk up to my room.

"What is it," I say, as I sit on my bed. She sits beside me and plays with our friendship bracelet.

"My parents are gonna make me move to New York," she says, tears forming in her eyes. I relax slowly as the fact that my best friend could be leaving.

"You can't leave!" I say, a tear slipping down my cheek.

"I don't want too. But I'd need to move on with somebody in order to stay," she sighs.

"What about your mom?" I ask.

"She's getting married to some guy she met at a club and moving to Miami," she whimpers. Rachel looks down. "She's also pregnant."

"Oh, Rachel, I'm sorry. Maybe we could see if you could move in with me?" I ask.

"That'd be fun," she smiles slightly.

"I'll talk to my mom. I'll see you later," I smile, hugging her.

It feels good to have my best friend back.


"Please Mom! She can't move!!!" I plead. I was currently arguing with her, trying to convince her to allow Rachel to move in.

"Honey, we don't have room!" she sighs.

"Yes, we have three extra bedrooms. And one is right next to mine! It's the one with the connecting door. Come on Mom, I need her. She brings me up when I'm down," I sigh.

"But what about when she hurt you," my mom reminds me. All the memories of that time flooded my memory.

"But don't all friends get into fights at some point? You and Jordyn did, I know that for sure," I fire back, crossing my arms over my chest. Jordyn was my mom's best friend. She was always there for her, even when they fought.

"Let's not bring that back up," my mom sighs sadly.

"I'm sorry. But I don't want Rachel to leave. She's kind of in a bad situation. Her career, friends, and education is here, and her family is in New York. Her biological mother hooked up with some guy at a club, is now pregnant, and she and her fiancé, the guy at the club, are moving to Miami. Besides, she's like my mental support, always making sure I don't lose my mind," I conclude. My mom sighs and tucks a strand of her long black hair behind her ear.

"I'll talk to Mrs. Bieber, but no guarantee," she agrees.

"Oh my gosh, thank you Mom!" I smile, hugging her and kissing her cheek.

"You're welcome baby girl, but you might want to start cleaning that room," she smiles, shooing me out of her office.

I smile and nod.

I walk upstairs and start organizing the ruins of the room.

This room was supposed to be for my supposed older brother, Johnny. At least, that's what Brandon told me. But he's famous for his lies.

By sunset, I've put away unnecessary items, and moved what I could so the room looked somewhat pleasant. I knew that if Rachel did move in, we'd completely redo the entire room.

I brush the dust off of my jeans and go back into my room. I finish up my essay and then go downstairs.

"Hey Riley," I smile, going behind him and grabbing a slice of Carabba's bread.

"You're in a good mood," Riley notes.

"Uh-huh," I agree, taking a bite.

"Why?" he smiles, taking a slice for himself.

"Rachel might be moving in with us," I smirk as I brush the crumbs off my clothes.

"Not that one," Riley teases. I jump on his back.

"Take me to my room!" I demand.

"Nope, this train's closed for repairs," he laughs.

"You know, you've got a kid, the repairs better hurry up," I smile.

"Ugh, fine," he gives in, rolling his eyes.

"Don't talk back to me, idiot," I scoff.

"I will do as I please, Princess Sassypants," he smirks. That was my nickname as a child. 'Cause I was sassy, and still am, no doubts there.

"That's ma'am to you, Royal Rick," I snicker.

"Yes ma'am," he laughs as he runs up to my room.

You have arrived, now goodbye," he smirks, dropping me and jogging back downstairs.

"DO A HUNDRED MORE OF THOSE!" I shout and smile.

I love my family.

Word Count- 833

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