23- Zidashian-Jegler

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"Hey Kenz, do you wanna sleep over?" I ask.

"Sure, we haven't had a Zidashisn-Jegler sleepover in a while," she says, petting Prince.

Her phone rings, and she picks its up.

"Oh hey Lauren!"


"Oh, okay. Why?"

"Um, kay. Bye Lauren," she sighs.

"What's was that about?" I ask, turning to my side.

"More Hannie drama. When will it end!" she groans, and laughs.

"What's so funny?" I smile.

"I'm thinking about Hayden. And Annie. I think they would make a better couple than Hayden and I," she says.

"Why is that?" I ask.

"Because I can't compete with her. I know she likes him, and she knows I like him, and we're dating. But she still pursues him. I don't know about him though. I thinks he's just.... confused," she says, laughing at the last part.

"You mean confuzzled," I correct. She rolls her eyes playfully.

"But seriously. If he has to think about this, then he's not gonna pick me. Because if you loved two girls, you should pick the second. Because if you loved the first one, you wouldn't love the second one," she says, breathing sharply.

"Oh, Mackenzie," I sigh, hugging her. Tears stream down Kenzie's face.

"I can't compete with her. How could I ever think that I could," she cries.

"Oh, tippy toes, you've already won him. He's dating you," I smile.

"But I mean, maybe it'll work out," she says, smiling slightly. I raise an eyebrow.

"Got your eye on someone," I tease.

"Actually, yeah, but I've been holding back because of Hayden. I do like him, but remember what I said earlier? I'm gonna pick the second one. Like I'm gonna let Annie take Hayden," she breathes slowly.

"Kenzie, are you sure?" I ask, placing my hand in her arm.

"Yeah, I REALLY like Johnny," she smiles, petting Prince's head.

Uh oh.

"Johnny?" I ask, uncertain.

"Yeah, why?" she smiles.

"Um, the Johnny who's dating Nadia Turner?" I say slowly, watching her face fall.

"Oh, he's dating Nadia?" she whispers.


"Oh, well, then I'm gonna stay with Hayden," she whimpers, a tear trickling down her face, smearing her makeup.

"Aw, ballerina, don't be sad," I say in a baby voice.

"I'll be fine. We gotta get back to school tomorrow though. Spring break's almost over," she sighs, throwing the covers over her head.

"Okay. Goodnight Kenz," I sigh, turning the light off.



"Girls, it's time to wake up," Ms. Jenner smiles, coming into the room.

I run my eyes and shake Abbey's shoulder.

"Abs, wake up," I yawn.

"I DIDN'T EAT THE LAST CHICKEN CUPCAKE COOKIE BALONEY," she shouts, bolting up from bed.

"Abbey, chill, we're just going to school," I laugh, getting up and walking into her bathroom. I take a shower, and as soon as I step out, Abbey jumps in. I brush my teeth, blow-dry my hair and curl it, put my make-up on, and get dressed in a light pink crop top, black ripped jeans, a black leather jacket, black ankle boots, and a pink head band. I sit on the bed, and a moment later, Abbey steps out in a navy blue crop top, white ripped jeans, navy blue ankle boots, and a red bandana holding back her curls from covering her face.


I step out and see Kenzie. I grab my phone and backpack, and she does the same. We head out and I see the one person I wasn't in the mood to see.

"Oh my God," I mutter. I pull Kenz away so we don't collide with her.

"Hey Abbey, can I talk to you?"

"Rachel, I don't want to talk to someone who doesn't even take the time to ask for my side, they just assume," I snap, pulling Kenzie towards the school. She rubs my arm supportively, and I smile gratefully. We walk into school, our arms linked, and turn the corner, to see the one thing that could change everything.

Hayden kissing Annie against the lockers.

Word Count- 677

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