25- Roomies

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I was texting Kenzie, who was telling me all about her and Johnny's first date after he broke up with Nadia, when my mom came in.

"Hey baby girl," my mom smiles, coming into my room and sitting on my neatly made bed.

"Hey Mom, what's up?" I smile, turning my phone off and putting it down.

"Well, I just got off the phone with Mrs. Bieber, who agreed Rachel could move in," she smiles, waiting patiently for my reaction.

"Are you serious?" I ask, my eyes widening by the second. She nods, her lips pressed together tightly, forming a straight line.

"I'M GONNA HAVE A ROOMIE!" I squeal happily, jumping around my room. My mom laughs as Macie and Riley run in.

"What about a roomie?" Macie asks suspiciously.

"Rachel's moving in!" I cheer, giving her a hug, careful of her baby bump. Macie was currently pregnant with twin girls, who would be named Chloe Anne and Mia Anne.

"Not another girl, there's already two on the way," Riley complains, gesturing towards the baby bump. Macie glares at him and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Hey Riley, didn't you have a friend move in when you were younger?" Carter says, sticking his head into the doorway.

"Oh yeah, James," he nods silently.

"You haven't seen him in a while," I say, furrowing my eyebrows together.

"Yeah, you haven't. It's unusual because you guys were inseparable," Mom adds.

"I guess we just grew distant?" he suggests, unsure of himself.

"That's a lame excuse. Have you even talked to him?" Macie asks.

"No, but I follow him on Instagram. He has two twin girls, and his wife is pregnant with a baby boy," he says, shrugging.

"Perfect! Daniel's got a girlfriend," I chirp happily, plopping on my bed. Everyone laughs and leaves my room. I smile and pull out my laptop, looking for ideas for Rachel's room.


one month later...

I open the door to Rachel's room one last time, admiring the modern layout.

I open the door to Rachel's room one last time, admiring the modern layout

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I hear the doorbell ring, and I jump excitedly. I close the door, and run downstairs, seeing Riley answering the door.

"Why are you here?" he yawns. Rachel giggles.

"I'm moving in, duh," she smiles. He groans, and I push him out of the way.

"Rachel!" I smile, hugging her. She tries to hug back, but fails do to because of her suitcases.

"Hey Abbey," she smiles.

"You ready to see your room?" I grin, taking some of the suitcases from her. She nods, and we take the elevator to the third floor, where her room was located.

"Welcome, Rachel Camille Bieber, to your new abode," I say in a British accent, opening the door, revealing the pink room.

"OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH I LOVE IT!" she squeals, jumping up and down like a kangaroo.

"Yay, I'm glad you do," I smile, hugging her.

Word Count- 486

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