20- No Way

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from now on i'll be doing ~ instead of saying time skip


I walk into the house, tears flowing down my mom's and my cheeks.

Everyone turns to us, but starts crying when they see our faces.

"Why are you guys crying," I sniff.

"Because you're going to Dad's house," Cameron cries. Mom and I start laughing.

"What's so funny?" Chloe demands, tears still streaming down her cheeks.

"Honey, Abbey staying right here," Mom chuckles pulling the twins into a hug. Everybody pauses for a moment, before realizing what's going on.

"So, Abbey's not leaving?" Chloe asks.

"No baby, Abbey's still ours," she smiles. Everyone cheers and tackles me with hugs.

"That's good, because I couldn't live without my princess," a familiar voice says. Everyone backs away, revealing Carson with a bouquet of lilies, my favorite flowers, and a box of dark chocolate. I squeal and run into his arms.

"I MISSED YOU," I scream while crying. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I see cameras flashing and here the shutters, but I ignore it. My mom is screaming at the paparazzi outside, but I don't care. I'm safe in Carson's arms, and I never want to let go. He kisses my cheek and puts my down.

"I'm so happy your staying," he whispers into my ear.

"Because I wanna take you to Disney," he adds, smiling. My jaw drops.

"Disney? Does my mom know?" I ask in shock.

He nods.

"And Rachel, Jacob, Ashley, and Joey are joining us too," he smirks.

My best friends and my boyfriend plus Disney? Dream come true.

"AHHHHHH CARSON YOU'RE THE BEST BOYFRIEND IN THE HISTORY OF BOYFRIENDS," I squeal, hugging him. Still have a major height difference.

"Alright babe, you should pack. We're leaving early tomorrow morning," he smiles, pecking my cheek and handing me his gifts. I kiss his cheek and head upstairs to pack.


My alarm clock goes off at 4:15 am, giving me enough time to get ready before 5. I hop out of bed, Prince trailing behind my. I stop and he runs into my legs. I chuckle and scoop him up.

"I'm sorry, bub, but you can't come into the bathroom while I take a shower," I smile, bopping his nose. He sneezes and I put him down.

I take a shower, blow-dry and put my hair into two Dutch braids, and change into this:

I take a shower, blow-dry and put my hair into two Dutch braids, and change into this:

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