19- Why?

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I enter the house and see my mom, eyes red and puffy, sitting on the couch with Grandma comforting her. My siblings and their families are scattered around the room and my aunts and uncles taking the sofas. I quickly put my bag down, causing a loud thump. Mom looks up and cries.

"Abbey, come here," she cries. I hate hearing my mom upset.

She pulls me onto her lap and hugs me.

"Mom, what's going on?" I ask, confuzzled.

She hands me a document and I start to cry as I read it.

Ms. Kylie Jenner-

Mr. Ross Lynch is requesting for full custody of Abbey Joy Kardashian-Jenner. Please come to the Los Angeles Court on March 12, 2017, to battle for the custody of your daughter.


Lautner Law and Firm

"They can't do this! Can they?" I ask fearfully as tears slide down my cheeks. Thunder rumbles outside and rain pours down.

"I'm afraid your father can, darling. He is your parent, after all," Grandma sighs.

I shake my head and walk out. I walk somewhere, wherever my feet carry me. I find myself at Carson's doorstep, drenched and cold. I knock softly and minutes later, Carson answers.

"Hi princess," he smiles. Once he notices my condition, his face fills with worry.

"Oh my gosh, Abbey, what's wrong?" he asks, ushering me inside.

"My dad wants full custody of me," I cry. He hugs me and I continue crying into his shoulder.

"Come on, you might wanna change. I have some extra clothes you can borrow," Carson smiles warmly. I nod and shiver.

I follow him to his room and he picks out some clothes. He hands me a black Nike tshirt, a pair of grey sweatpants, and a Carson Lueders sweatshirt. I walk into the bathroom and change. When I step out, Carson's eyes widen.

"You look better in that sweatshirt than I do," he gawks. I laugh and hug him. He pulls me onto his bed, and we cuddle while watching Finding Dory. One of my favorite movies. At 10, we crash and I've never been happier in a situation like this.

--Time Skip--

I wake up and yawn. I try to get up, but Carson's grip around my waist tightens.

"Mine," he murmurs, kissing my cheek.

"Carson, please let me get up," I whine.

"Never," he smirks, his eyes opening to reveal his beautiful hazel orbs. The ones that I could stare into all day.

I sigh and grab my phone off the nightstand. I see a text from my mom, telling me that we have to go to court today.

"Shoot. Carson, I seriously need you to let me go now," I say, trying to pry his hands off my waist.

"Why should I," he pouts, his grip tightening.

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