13- Friend-Zoned

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Carson left an hour ago, and i've never been so bored. Being with him is the best. It seems like the whole world stops and it's just us. I've never felt like this.

I decide to text Hunter, the cashier from Tropical Smoothie.



I is so boreddddd


my boyfriend left an hour ago

u have a bf?

yeah, for two days now🙃

oh, that's nice...

he's the sweetest

he's so lucky

i'm lucky. he's mine:)
so do u wanna hang?

sure. i'll meet u in the park

okay buhbye



Abbey just friend-zoned me. I really like here, but someone got to her before I did.

I sit on my bed in shock and processing the thought of Abbey not being mine. Tears start pooling in my eyes and splashing onto my face.

After my five-minute pity party, I change and walk to the park. Abbey looks at me and smiles. She's so cute...

"So, are you hungry?" I ask, trying to start a conversation.

"When am I not," she laughs. I love her laugh...

We start walking to Dairy Queen and my hand brushes against hers. On purpose. I want to hold her hand so badly...


Hunter's hand brushes against mine, on purpose. He blushes like a maniac. I made a mistake. I shouldn't have asked him to keep me entertained.

"Umm, I think I should get home soon. My mom is having a family dinner," I say awkwardly. Hunter looks sad, but nods understandingly.

"Okay. I'll see you later," he says, brushing a hand through his hair. I walk towards my house and find myself on Carson's doorstep. I knock on the door and see Carson.

"Hi princess," he smirks.

"Prince," I smile and kiss his cheek. "Do you maybe wanna go out? Just to the park, nothing big. I just need some fresh air."

Carson smiles and nods. We step out and walk to the park.

"Carson, I need to get something off my chest," I sigh. He nods and gives me his undivided attention.

"After you left, I got bored and texted a guy I met. I don't have feelings for him, but I recently found out he likes me. We went to the park and he brushed his hand against mine. Then I left and came to you."

Carson looks angry.

"Are you mad at me?" I whisper. He shakes his head.

"Princess, I could never be mad at you. I'm mad at that guy. Did he know you were dating me?"

I show him the text messages and he draws in a sharp breath at Hunter's texts and smiles at mine. After a moment he looks at me.

"Princess, I'm lucky to have you," he smiles.

"I'm luckier to have you," I smile and hug him. We sit like that for a moment, cuddled up on a park bench. After a while, Carson stands up.

"Hey princess, can I go to your house? I need to spend time with my love so she doesn't get bored and get herself into messes like this," he chuckles. I laugh and nod.

"You're welcome over anytime," I smile. He grins and picks me up bridal style.

"You're welcome over whenever you want," he smiles.

Man. It's only been two days with him, but I feel like it's been forever.

For once I'm actually happy. I mean, I'm happy at other times, but I haven't been depressed ever since we started dating. I love my prince.

"Prince, can we go to 7-11?" I ask. He nods and we make a pit stop at snack heaven.

We buy assorted chips, candy, chocolate, fruit (gotta be somewhat healthy😂😉), ice cream, sodas, popcorn, gum, mints, other random stuff, and slurpees.

"You're the best, babe," I smile and kiss his cheek as we walk out with millions of plastic bags.

"I know. But you're better than me," he smiles.

"Thanks bae," I smile back.

I have the best boyfriend ever.

Word Count- 670

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