15- Twins?

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I wake up to Prince licking my face.

"Hi, Prince," I smile and kiss his head. I look at my phone.

10:35 am.

Okay. PetSmart opens at 12:00, so I have time to get ready. I change into a light pink crop top and high-waisted white shorts. I grab a grey sweater and put it on. (Outfit on top.) I leave my hair natural and quickly put some mascara on. I grab Prince, my phone, some money, and the list.

I leave a note on the countertop telling Mom where I'm going.


I went to PetSmart to buy some stuff for Prince. I love you.


I walk out, Prince jogging clumsily by my side. I laugh and pick him up.

"Hi Prince," I smile, rubbing behind his ears. When we arrive at PetSmart, I bump into someone.

"Hey! Watch where your goi- Abbey?" Carson asks.

"Hi Prince," I smile. Prince tries to bark.

"Not you, silly," I smile and rub his belly.

"Who's this little guy?" Carson smiles and tickles his nose. Prince sneezes and he laughs.

"This is Prince," I smile. Carson grins.

"He's so cute! When did you get him?"

"Last night. I found him on the side of the road clinging to life," I whisper. Carson hugs me.

"I'm sorry, princess. But he's getting better," Carson smiles reassuringly.

"You're right," I smile. All of a sudden, a puppy that looks like Prince waddles up to Carson.

"Oh, I forget to tell you, we also found a puppy on the side of the road. This is Princess," Carson smiles, scooping the puppy up.

"Awh, Prince and Princess," I smile. Prince licks Princess and she cries happily.

"It's almost like their siblings," Carson laughs. A lightbulb goes out over my head. I grab Carson's arm.

"Carson, what if their... twins?" I ask, my eyes wide open. Carson furrows his brows and looks at the two. After a moment, he nods.

"I see it. Maybe we can get a DNA test?"

"I think that's only for humans, but maybe they have it for animals," I shrug. We walk inside and go to the vet.

"Hi Dr. Feline. I'm back, with my boyfriend and his new puppy. I was wondering if they did DNA tests for dogs?" I ask hopefully. The vet smiles and nods.

"We do indeed do that. Why?"

"Our puppies look identical. We were wondering if we could see if they're siblings? Maybe even twins?" Carson asks.

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