17- Cheater

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I wake up and groan. The sun is shining directly into my eyes and it's not fun. I pry Grace off my hair and try to move Prince without waking him up. I check my phone.

7:01 AM.

Ugh, I'm going back to bed.

"Abbey Joy, wake up," Mom says, walking into the room. She looks startled when she sees me awake.

"I think I am awake," I laugh. She smiles.

"Well, get ready. Beyoncé texted me and said Ashley really needed to talk to you," she smiles and closes the door. I sigh and get up. I didn't need to shower because I did last night. I take some time and do two extremely tight Dutch braids going down my head and put diamond earrings in all four holes. I do my makeup really quick and change into [outfit in media]. I grab my phone and some money and slip it into the front pocket on my backpack. I gather up my books and stuff them in. I grab my sketchbook and art supplies and carefully put those in. Quickly grabbing a black hoodie and tying around my waist, I grab my backpack and black vans and walk downstairs. Sadly, I see the one person I wasn't in the mood to see.


Sighing, I sit down and tie my shoes. Riley carefully puts strips of cooked bacon from the skillet into the plate. He notices me and smirks.

"Hey, baby sis," he smirks, takes a piece of bacon, and dangles it in my face.

"Ew, Riley, you know I only eat bacon on sandwiches," I say disgusted. He laughs and tosses it back on the plate.

"So what can I get ya?" he asks.

"A better brother," I say solemnly. He chuckles.

"No can do. I'm all ya got!" he winks. I roll my eyes.

"Fine, I'll have a smoothie."

He nods and I watch as he grabs the pineapples, mangos, peaches, and orange juice. He puts them in the blender, and after a minute or so, pours the smoothie into my To-go cup.

"There ya go," he smirks. I roll my eyes and wave.

Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I walk out the door and see Ashley in her black hoodie with puffy red eyes.

"Awe, Ash, I hate school too, but I didn't know you hated it this much," I say and give her a side hug. She shakes her head.

"It's not school this time," she whimpers.

"Then what is it?" I ask.

"Mark," she mumbles.


"Mark, okay?" she snaps.

"What that son of a butternut squash do this time?" I growl.

"He cheated on me," she shrugs, trying not to seem like she cared.

As for me, I was a bubbling pot sitting boiling on the stove, ready to pour out and burn somebody.

I was mad.

Nobody, and I mean nobody, messes with my best friend.

"Come on, Ashley," I growl, grabbing her wrist and dragging her all the way to school. Ashley pulls her wrist out of my grasp but I'm too angry to notice. I wander around the halls until I see Mark kissing a girl I knew all to well.

Loren Beech. Ashley's ex-best friend.

"Mark Christopher Thomas, I swear if you kiss her one more second I will murder you," I seethe.

Mark pries his lips always from her and smirks at me.

"Why should I?" he smirks.

"Remember your girlfriend? Ashley? Your now ex because you were trying to get a disease with this girl?" I remind him. He thinks for a moment before his eyes go wide.

"Oh my god, Abbey, I forgot about her!" he says helplessly.

"HOW DOES SOMEONE FORGET ABOUT THEIR GIRLFRIEND?! IM PRETTY SURE YOU DIDN'T FORGET ON ACCIDENT, ON PURPOSE IS MORE LIKE IT," I scream, slamming his locker. I walk away, my hands clenched in fists. I go over to where Carson, Rachel, Jacob, and Ashley are.

"I swear, imma beat Mark up," I growl.

"Princess, he's Ashley's boyfriend, I don't think that's a good idea," Carson soothes, rubbing my back. I push his hand off. Ashley winces.

"I sure hope he's not Ashley's boyfriend, she deserves better," I scoff.

"Alright, cool it. What's going on here?" Jacob asks confused.

"Mark cheated on Ashley with Loren Beech," I mumble.

Jacob and Rachel didn't hear, but Carson sure did. He sucked in his breath and held it.

"Jacob, we have to take care of Mark," Carson growls. Jacob shrugs and the two walk off to find that cheater.

"I'm so sorry, Ashley. But I don't know what's happening," Rachel says, furrowing her brow.

"Mark cheated on me," Ashley says, tears pooling in her eyes. I hug her and Rachel rubs her back.

All of a sudden, Rachel perks up.

"Hey! I think I might know someone," Rachel winks. I raise an eyebrow. She mouthes, 'Joey', and I smirk and nod.

"Yup, he's perfect for you. You'll forget about Mark in no time," I grin. Ashley raises an eyebrow this time.

"We'll all go out for a smoothie after school at the new restaurant," Rachel claps her hands together happily.

"Okay, I guess," Ashley shrugs.

Word Count- 871

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