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The next day went like usual, Karma went to work early and Nagisa made his way to the school. Ones there he entered the classroom and unpacked his stuff. He was about to write today's planning on the board when he heard the door open wich was strange since none of the students were ever early and others didn't dare enter this room.

"Um, Sensei. Do you have a minute?" Someone asked.

Nagisa turned around to find Ryota standing in the doorway. "Sure" Nagisa said.

"Well you see, my brother. He kinda got into some trouble and I'm trying to help him but he won't let me and now his friends are threatening me" he said.

"What kind of trouble?" Nagisa asked.

"Drugs" the blond boy answered softly.

Nagisa wasn't that surprised as he had already expected something like this. "I see, and these friends of his are his dealers I asume" he asked.

"Yea kinda, anyway I need your help. If you scare them off then maybe they will leave him alone" Ryota explained.

"Absolutely not, that will only couse more trouble. You need to inform the police" Nagisa said.

"NO!" Ryota exclaimed. "You don't get it he's one of them, he'll get locked up with the rest of them. I can't let that happen, he's all I have" Nagisa saw that the boy was on the verge of tears and walked forward. He leaned in and hugged his student. " I'll see what I can do but I need you to give me some more information about your brother and his "friends"" Nagisa said in a calming voice.

"Promise my Bro won't get in trouble" Ryota said. And Nagisa agreed. So Ryota told him everything.

~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~

Classes had started and the day proceeded as normal. Nagisa had to scold his students for talking during class but other than that everything went well. It was now lunch break and a group of students were looking at some sort of folder.

"I can't believe it's premiering just one town ahead, maybe if we go there well be able to meet her" someone said. "No way, at best we'll just catch a glimpse of her, besides we have no way to afford tickets." Another said.

"What are you looking at?" Nagisa asked curiosity.

"Haruna Mase's newest movie is coming out next week and she'll be attending the premier in the next town over" the boy said. "She's awesome, I heard she preforms all of her stunts herself" the other said.

"So Kaede will be in town soon. Thats strange, she'd usually ask all of us to visit by now" Nagisa thought and just when he was about to comment the classroom door swung open.

"NAGISAAAAAA!!!!" Called a cheerful voice and less than a second later he was being hugged from behind.

Behind him was a short girl with curling black hair smiling at him. "Long time no see Kayano" Nagisa said as he recovered from his shock.

AN: I have nothing to say so here's a picture of my cat.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed, BAYYYY 😘

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