Old friend

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"Long time no see Kayano" Nagisa said as he turned around.

"SURPRISE!!!!" she yelled and let go of him. "I was in town so I thought I'd visit you but then Karma said you were working and he gave me this address".

Meanwhile the students were looking at us with wide eyes.

Kaede turned towards them and smiled " My name is Akari Yukimura but you may know me as Haruna Mase. You must be Nagisa's students. It's nice to meet you" she said cheerfully.

None of them were able to move as their idol stood before them.
"Kaede I think you should leave, classes are about to start" Nagisa said nervously.

"Oh can I join!? Karma said you're just like Korosensei" she pleaded.

Nagisa felt slightly uncomfortable being compared to the one he had looked up to, especially by one of his old classmates. "I don't think that's a good idea" Nagisa said.

The short girl pouted and looked at him with puppy eyes. "Please" she said sweetly bit Nagisa refused. "We can catch up later when I'm done with work but you really need to go now".

Kaede looked defeated and left. "I'll be waiting for you at your place" she mumbled.

Just then she bell rang and lunch was over. Nagisa made his way to his desk and was about to start teaching when the class decanted into chaos.

Nagisa was bombarded with questions like "how do you know her" and "why do you call her that" and by the time he got everyone to calm down half an hour had passed.

"She's an old friend of mine, it's really not that special" Nagisa said. "I have some friends that made a name for themselves and I have connections, now calm down and we'll start class"

~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~

Nagisa came home exhausted from his day and all he wanted was to go straight to bed but as he entered the living room he was greeted by a hipper active Kayano and an anointed Karma.

"Nagisa please help" Karma pleaded as he tried to get away from the cheerful girl.

"WELCOME HOME!!!" she greeted him and ran towards him to pull him into a hug but Nagisa quickly dodged her.

"Are you saying for dinner?" Nagisa asked while ignoring his boyfriend. Kaede nodded.

"Alright it's my turn to cook so why don't you and Karma talk some more" he said.

"Why are you doing this to me" Karma cried.

"Because you told her were I work" Nagisa said grinning sweetly but with killer intend in his eyes.

~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~

After Kaede finally left Nagisa was about to go to bed when Karma turned to him. "I got the information you asked for" he said with a serious face. "Though I don't think it's him you need to be worried about. It seems his brother..." but Karma couldn't finish his sentence because Nagisa interrupted him.

"Is involved with drug trafficking" Nagisa finished his sentence.

"Well they're just speculations but I guess this confirms it" Karma said.

"I want all info on the case, I've got some Intel and I'll help solve it under certain conditions" Nagisa replied.

"I'll inform Karasuma".

AN: Next chapter will have a little more plot. Anyways I hope you enjoyed, BAYYYY 😘

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