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The class was behind the school on the sports field setting up camp while Karma and nagisa were in the front looking at Korosensei's grave.

"It's hard to believe it's been almost seven years already" Karma said breaking the silence.

"I still miss him" Nagisa whispered.

"We all do" the other replied and grabbed the smaller boys hand.

They stood there for a while remembering their former teacher in silence until they heard Takeshi klear his throat behind them.

"We're sorta having trouble with the tents" he said looking away in embarrassment.

The two adults hurried to the group to find two students trying to assemble a tent, one passed out on the ground, four tangled up in a rope together and the rest fighting each other.

"What's going on here?!" Nagisa demanded and they all froze.

They then all started blaming each other and yelling insults.

"Alright that's it. Split up into groups of three and set up your tents. The instructions come with the set. And you better do your best because the tent you help set up is the one you'll be sleeping in" he said sternly. He then dragged Karma with him by his wrist and grabbed one of the tents.

Karma wanted to protest but Nagisa looked pretty irritated so he stayed quiet.

By the time the sun went down everyone was done. Some of the boys had started gathering wood for the campfire and karma and Nagisa sat together in silence.

"So what's wrong?" Karma asked.

"Nothing" Nagisa replied.

"I've known you for nine years shrimp. I know when something is bothering you" karma said looking into the shorter boys eyes.

Nagisa looked away and spoke: "this place just brings back so many memories and it reminds me of how good a teacher Koro-sensei was and that I'll never be as good as him".

"Aww Nagisa, of course you can't be exactly like him. He was a giant yellow octopus. But you're great too and I bet he'd be proud of you" Karma reassured him.

Nagisa smiled softly. "Thanks Karma" he whispered and put his head on his shoulder.

AN: Alright I'm back. Sorry for not updating for so long. Also sorry the chapter is so short. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. BAYYYY 😘

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