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That night Karma had to stay at work late and Nagisa was preparing dinner while waiting for him when he heard the doorbell ring. Thinking that maybe Karma forgot his keys he quickly opend the door and was surprised to find Takeshi on the other side.

"Takeshi, What are you doing here?" He asked in confusion. While opening the door a bit further to let the boy in. Takeshi didn't speak but slowly walked in and as he stepped into the light Nagisa saw that he was covered in bruises.

"what happened?!" He exclaimed and led his student to the living room.

"My dad..." the boy said. "He broke into our house. I tried to protect my mom"

Nagisa sat the boy down on the couch and took place next to him.

"I knocked him out and called the police but my mom is in the hospital" he said as he started crying.

Nagisa was shocked but stayed calm and tried to comfort his student and while he pulled the younger boy into a hug he couldn't help but feel guilty.

He quickly pushed that though aside and stood up. "Would you like something to drink?" He asked.

"Some water please" Takeshi said quietly.

Nagisa walked to the kitchen to get water for the boy and tea for himself and didn't notice Karma coming home from work.

When Karma came home after a long day of work he was not expecting to find a teenage boy sitting on his couch crying.

He walked over to the boy without him nothing and when he was right in front of him he put on the craziest smile he had and spoke. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?".

Takeshi who hadn't noticed the man coming in screamed in surprise and fell of the couch. He than looked up to find a man in his twenties creepy smiling at him with a hint of annoyance.

At that moment Nagisa came running in to find Takeshi on the floor and Karma standing over him with bloodlust showing.

"Karma, leave him alone he's a gest" he said

Karma looked up and saw his boyfriend staring at him disappointed.

"Aww but I was having fun" the redhead sad playfully.

"You're scaring him" Nagisa said.

He then looked to his student and his look softened. "Don't worry, he won't hurt you" he said and glared at Karma.

Takeshi got up slovenly and Nagisa led both boys to the kitchen were he ordered Karma to sit down and handed the younger boy a glass of water.

"Karma, this is Takeshi. He's one of my students. He's got some things going on in his life right now so be nice. Takeshi, this is my roommate Karma. He's a sadistic fuck so be careful" Nagisa introduced them.

Karma frowned at being called Nagisa's roommate. "Boyfriend" he corrected.

"Karma!" Nagisa exclaimed as his face turned red.

"I-it's alright, I'm not very interested in girls either so I won't tell anyone" Takeshi whispered.

At that Nagisa just smiled at him reassuringly

"In any case. You are free to stay here until your mother is out of the hospital" he said

"No need. I'll be staying with my uncle for a while. I'll probably never see my dad again so that's a good thing" the boy said. "Bye the way Sensei, how exactly did you know my dad".

"He tried to kill most of my classmates about seven years ago" Nagisa answered.

"Wait he's Takaoka's son?" Karma asked and raised an eyebrow. "You don't look or act like him".

"Yea I don't want to be anything like him" Takeshi said softly.

"Well then you're a good kid. That guy is insane, and not in a good way" Karma said and smiled. Hopefully everything would go better from now on.

AN: Anyways I hope you enjoyed, BAYYYY 😘

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