Into The Forest

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Instead of going one by one Nagisa decided the students would be going in groups of four. It would save time since it was getting late and if someone got hurt the others would be able to call for help.

Ryouta and Takeshi were in a group together with two of their friends and they were the last to go. All groups had held out for about ten minutes before coming back pale and scared. Karma was in there scaring them to make things go faster and it was working.

The group walked into the forest and before they knew it the campsite was just a spec of light in the distance.

The only noise they could hear was the rattling of the leaves and the only light was that of the moon shining through the trees. It all made for and creepy jet peaceful atmosphere.

Suddenly they heard a sound behind them that made Takeshi jump. "Aaaaaah" he yelled and grabbed onto Ryouta's arm. The other boys snickered but Ryouta glared at them to shut up.

Quietly he walked towards the bush were the sound came from and puched the leaves aside. A figure jumped out at them and Ryouta pushing Takeshi behind him and took on I fighting stance while  the other two ran away.

He tried to punch the figure but it dodged and stepped into the light to reveal red hair and a sadistic smirk. "Out of all of your classmates you were the only one with the guts to attack, good job kid. Those are some nice reflexes" Karma said still smiling while Takeshi, who until then was frozen in shock, let out a sigh of relief.

"O thank god it's just you" he said and karma smiled at the irony.

Just him? So many people would have pissed their pans at realising it was him. Luckily these kids didn't know what he was capable of or they wouldn't even want to be in a fifty meter radius from him.

They made their way back to camp with Takeshi still holding onto Ryouta. Karma pretend not to notice but silently smiled to himself. Nagisa is gonna love this.

AN: Hey guys. Thanks for all of your support. I hope to update again soon but until then I hope you enjoyed, BAYYYY 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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