💪Arc Two: Takeshi💪

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Recently one of the students had started to act weird. Takeshi, the usually social boy wasn't talking to his friends and didn't pay attention in class. Or at least less than he already did. Nagisa noticed this and asked him to stay after class.

"Sup Sensei" a tall, muscular boy with spiky black hair said.

"I've noticed that lately you've been acting strange and I'm getting kind of worried" Nagisa said. "I just wanted to know if everything was alright".

Takeshi was silent for a moment but then spoke. "My dad just got out of jail and he's trying to regain custody of me" he said.

"I assume you'd rather stay with your mother am I right?" Nagisa asked.

"Yea but my mom doesn't have much money and my dad has friends who work for the government so I won't be allowed to stay" he answered sadly "he wants to send me to military school".

"I see" Nagisa said thoughtfully. "Well if he wants to transfer you we'd first have to sign you out from this school and that would take a while. Also we'd have to decide if it won't be better for you to stay so if you want you could tell him to meet me about this decision first. I might be able to talk some sense into him"

"Are you crazy, he'll beat you to a pulp. You have no idea what you're getting into!" The younger boy exclaimed.

"We'll see about that" the other replied and smiled mischievously.

~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~

After school Nagisa went to the teachers lounge to do some paperwork and plan the next lesson. He was about to get started when one of the other teachers started to talk to him.

"I can't believe you're able to control that class. Most teachers would have quit by now" a woman said.

"They're not that bad" Nagisa shrugged it off.

"You know, school trips are coming up. All of the other classes have gathered money to go somewhere. My class made a lot this year so you cane have some of it to pay for your classes trip" she said smiling kindly.

"Thank you for informing me but that won't be necessary. I already have something in mind and it won't require money" he replied friendly.

"Where are you talking them?" She asked.

"Camping" he said.

AN: I know this chapter was short but I have a lot on my mind right now. Anyways I hope you enjoyed, BAYYYY 😘

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