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It was getting dark out when Nagisa and the others were getting into position to infiltrate the old were house were the organisation was hiding. Ryota had secretly followed his brother in about twenty minutes ago and everyone was getting ready.

Nagisa was in charge of the operation so when everyone was in position he gave the word and squad A,B,C and D went in while E and F made sure no one escaped.

Fourthly minutes and a lot of resisting later everyone was captured and Nagisa ordered to put Ryota and his brother in a separate room so he could speak to them in private.

When he opened the door he heard his student pleading. "I swear I didn't call the police, really it wasn't me" He said.

He walked in and quickly got his students attention. "Sensei? Did you do this?" He asked confused.

"Who is this brat?" The older brother demanded.

"Hello mister Amano. My name is Shiota Nagisa. I am Ryota's homeroom teacher" he answered in a calm voice.

"Sensei you said my brother wouldn't get into trouble" the younger boy said feeling betrayed.

"I said that that was up to him" Nagisa replied and held up a bunch of paper.

"What?" Ryota asked but he was cut off.

"These are all documents that say your brother here is involved with this case. If I want to I can completely erase his name from them and you would be free to go" he explained. "But before I do that I want to have a talk with you two".

Nagisa sat down and gestured them to do the same.

Ones they were all seated he began to speak. "Takehico Amano, last week your younger brother came to me and told me about what was going on because he was worried about you. If you swear to turn your back on crime I will be able to convince the higher ups to let you go. If not than I'm afraid I have no choice but to arrest you".

Takehico looked at his brother and then turned to Nagisa. "Then how am I supposed to make money? I don't know if you realised but I have a little brother to take care of and before you ask no I can't get a  job. I didn't even finish high school and I have a critical record" he exclaimed.

"Your brother told me you're good with technology" Nagisa stated.

"So?" He asked.

"I happened to know the son of the owner of a rapidly growing tech company. Because of the growing demand for their products they're short on employees. From what I hear from Ryota you're quite good and I'm sure they could use your help" Nagisa said smiling.

"Like they'd actually hire me" Takehico scoffed.

"Actually I already contacted him and he'd like to meet you" Nagisa replied.

Both boys were speechless.

The older boy looked at his brother knowing that if only the slightest chance existed that he'd get an actual job than this was a risk worth taking. "I'll try" he said firmly.

"Great. I'll send Itona your contact info and he'll contact you so you can set up an interview" Nagisa said cheerfully.

"So I'm free to go" he asked.

"Yes but the police will probably keep an eye on you for a while so don't do anything crazy" the young teacher said.

Takehico smiled and thanked him and Nagisa told him to wait while he spoke with Ryota in the next room.

"Thanks for what you did I guess" he said and smiled slightly.

"It's no problem" Nagisa replied. "Oh and could you please not tell your classmates about me kinda working for the government thing, it's supposed to be a secret".

"I won't tell a soul" the younger boy said and with that Nagisa went to tell the others to let the brothers leave.

~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~

After that everything went back to normal... or at least as normal as things could get for Nagisa Shiota. Ryota's grades were raising while Takehico was raining in the ranks at his new job. According to Itona the boy was quite talented. And slowly but surely Nagisa grew more and more attached to his class.

AN: This was the end of arc one. I'll be taking a small break (about a week) until I uploaded the first chapter of arc two but I'll give you a little hint as to what it will be about. One of Nagisa's old teachers is coming for a visit and not with good intentions. Anyways I hope you enjoyed, BAYYYY 😘

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