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By the time the tents were set up the sun was setting and the students were exhausted so instead of going on a evening walk through the forest Nagisa decided a campfire would be more fun for everyone. As it got darker the whole class plus Karma were sitting in a large circle around the fire.

They were all eating spaghetti that Nagisa had prepared in the 3e building with the help of some students, alongside snacks they brought with them. Everyone was just talking until one of the students, a very thin, black heard guy named Suo got everyones attention.

"How about we all tell a short scary story and then go into the woods one by one to see who can hold out the longest?" He asked. Everyone quickly agreed and Nagisa smiled. "It can be like some sort of test of bravery" he exclaimed exitetly.

An hour later everyone had finished telling their stories and it was now almost completely dark. "It's your turn sensei" said Suo. "I-i don't know Suo. I'm not really good at these sort of things" Nagisa answered.

"Aww come on Sensei. Please" he begged and the rest of the students joined in until he agreed.

"Alright then. I'll tell you the story of why Kunugigaoka junior high was shut down".

"Is that the abandoned school we passed on our way here?" A student asked.

"It is" Nagisa replied and continued his story. " years ago Kunugigaoka junior high was one of the most prestigious middle schools in Japan. The reason it was so successful was because of a system the principle came up with. To make sure most students excelled everyone was expected to study hard and get high grades. If they weren't good enough they'd be transferred to E class. Both students and teachers would bully them and ones you were there no high school was willing to take you on. They were set as an example so the rest of the school would work harder. E class wasn't even allowed on the main campus most of the time, instead they had there classes here on this mountain. One year a new teacher came and he challenged E class to kill him. If they succeeded they'd get a large amount of money and would instantly graduate. They tried all year long bet were never successful until the night before graduation. They all gathered on this mountain and it took all of them to pin him down. The man loved teaching and his students so before they killed him he asked them if he could call role one last time when he was finished one of the students stabbed him through the heart. They all fell asleep here and and the next morning when they left some of them could swear they saw the teacher looking through one of the classroom windows but wen they looked again he was gone. Everything that happened here was covered up and the school was shut down for putting the lives of children in danger" Nagisa finished and the whole class was stunned.

"Yea right" Suo said and everyone started laughing while Nagisa and Karma just smiled at the memory.

Meanwhile in the distance a large figure was watching and laughed before fading. "Nurufufufufuf good job, I'm proud of you Nagisa".

AN: Hey guys sorry for not updating in like a year. I have been struggling with a lot of personal stuff I don't want to bother you with. If you want I could make a chapter explaining some of my problems but that's up to you guys. I have been feeling better recently and I'm home alone for the next week so I'll try to update again soon. Anyways I hope you enjoyed, BAYYYY 😘

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