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Astrid's P.O.V
"I want information! NOW!" Viggo shouted, pounding his good fist on the table as he leaned over me. My now messy bangs had fallen over my eyes. I longed to push them out of my face only my wrists were bound behind my chair as I sit. They decided it was safer to bind my legs to the chair legs so I couldn't kick anyone else or try to run. Not that I could go anywhere, I'm in the middle of the ocean with my hands tied for crying out loud!
"I will never tell you anything," I shout. He fumed and threw something at the wall in his rage. I smirk knowing that I've gotten under his skin and he was starting to crack. If I knew anything about Viggo, which I do, then once he is angry he becomes violent and unable to think straight. Violent Viggo is not wanted but I can deal with him. A confused Viggo is my goal.
"You don't understand! If you do not tell me how to destroy Hiccup and his dragon I will kill you. I will personally wrap my fist around your neck and send you to the halls of Valhalla myself!" He roars. I rub the side of my face as if he spit when he talked. He growled in rage and flipped the table that was in front of me. I barely flinched.
"You don't scare me. Hiccup means more to me than anything. I will never tell you how to hurt him. EVER!" I shout loud enough that it could possibly get through his thick skull. His face expresses pure rage and he holds his fist up. I brace myself only for the hit to never come. I look up to see a smirk on his face.
"If he means the most to you the feeling is probably mutual." My eyes widen when I realized I told Viggo how to hurt Hiccup without even realizing it. I was never getting into his head, he was getting into mine!
"So if I destroy you, it would destroy him! Killing two Vikings with one axe wouldn't you say, Astrid." He smirks evilly.
      "You wouldn't." The words come out before I could stop them. A smirk tells me he would.
      "No, that is too good for him. What else means a lot to him... Dragons. Watching you be killed by dragons would kill him even more. Men! Make sails for Dead North Island," he says accenting the word dead, "Oh and make sure to send a decoy hunters ship past Dragon's Edge. Make sure the riders follow it to the island. We have a little show for young Mr. Haddock and the riders." With the this all of the men evilly cackled and set to work. I could feel the ship make a sharp turn and head North, or Dead North at that.
"Killing me will only fuel his fire, and desire to kill you!" I shout at Viggo as he paces the room.
"No. Because I won't be technically killing you, dragons will. It will expose their true nature. As far as he knows, I will be just releasing you. Before he can find out the truth from you, you will be dead. Hunters, take her to a cell." He smirks as the hunters untie my feet so I can walk and lead me away. I am thrown in the darkest cell at the far end of the ship. They at least unbound my wrists so I curl up in the corner, head in hands.

Hiccup's P.O.V
"So we have the A team on first assault, sneaking in and then-"
"Not now Snotlout!"
"Snotlout- wait ship?" I say in confusion. The only time a ship has come this close before was an attack on the Edge.
"Uhuh! Super close! On the border of our territory but doesn't seem like it is going to attack. It is actually turning North but definitely a hunter ship!" He pants with his hands on his knees. Oh, he must have run here.
"Okay riders! Change of plans! Heather, Ruff, Tuff, Snotlout, Fishlegs, and Daggur, you're with me. A team, stand guard behind us as back up for the assault. No one fire until I give the signal." I say rushing to the launch pad and mounting Toothless.
"Okay! Wait what's the signal?" Tuff asks dumbly. I sigh. Of all times that he decides to go brain dumb he chooses now!
"Fiiiiirrreeeee! You idiot!" Ruffnut says punching his arm. His mouths forms an o and he says goodbye to Chicken before mounting Barf and Belch.
      "Okay guys. First assault follow my lead!" I say once we are in range. I have Toothless fire a plasma blast at the deck, only to find that the metal underneath was dragon proof. Of course it was! Note the heavy hiccupy sarcasm.
      "Okay guys! Change of plans again! Daggur and Shattermaster, go make a hole in the back of the ship. Heather, show him where. We want to be able to go in, check for Astrid in the cells and get out!" I shout to be heard over the wind and storm approaching. Daggur and Heather nod before she shoots a large circle with Windshear's tail spiked to indicate where Daggur needs to crash. He takes off full speed and crashes through the hole. I quickly fly in to look only to find all of the cells empty!
     "ARG! WHAT IS IT GOING TO TAKE TO CATCH THIS GUY!" I cry out in rage knowing that those words are oddly familiar. As Snotlout would say it, I'm having Asia Fondue. (A/N: This is seriously one of my favorite moments in RTTE when Snotlout says this 😂)
      "Uhhh brother! Issue up here! Large storm! Bad bad BAD STORM!" Daggur shouts from above deck where I hear the others fighting he hunters. I fly up and see that Daggur is right. The sky looked like it was at war with the sea as lightning struck the sea and the waves ferociously roared and thrashed. 
     "Heather!" "Sister!" Daggur and Fishlegs shout at the same time as Heather is thrown backwards off of Windshear by the wind. Soon enough the riderless dragon follows suite.
      "Fall back!" I try and shout but the wind rips the words from my throat. Suddenly a strong wind pushed me and Toothless back. All I can feel and see is strong wind pushing me and the others Odin knows where then Toothless' wings wrapping around me then black.

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