Submaripper Sea

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A/N: just so you know I just realized only half of 'The Plan' saved and published for some reason so I just posted the other half. Sorry!

Hiccup's P.O.V
"HICCUP!" Heather screams jumping off her dragon mid flight and onto the ground.
"Heather? What is it? Do you know where we are?" I worriedly ask her as she runs over.
"I do, and we need to leave RIGHT NOW!" She says hopping onto Windshear.
"Well where are we then?" I ask mounting Toothless.
"Right next to Submaripper Sea. Right on the other side of that is Dead North Island and a hunter ship heading for it." She says flying into the air.
"We can't leave then! Dead North Island is probably where they are taking Astrid! We can't abandon her! Especially when we are so close!" I cry out dismounting.
"Son, we can't help Astrid this way. We need to go back and make a new plan." My dad says laying his large hand on my shoulder.
      "Stoick is right Hic. Besides, we know where she is now so we have an advantage." Heather says coming behind him.
      "Plus, if anyone is equipped to survive out there it's Astrid." Fishlegs adds.
      "Fine. But if she dies I will never forgive any of you." I growl and hop onto Toothless. As I soar into the clouds I scream and let all my frustration out. I fall backwards and sigh heavily. I lay my hand out and watch as the clouds wisps over my fingers, leaping in and out as if weaving on a loom. The more I watch the more I become hypnotized and realized that they were beginning to look like ocean waves, then Astrid's curly hair when she lets it out of a braid. The more and more I look, the more it looks like her. Suddenly I can see her electric blue eyes staring back at me from the sky, hear her soft laughter in the wind, feel her silky hair in the clouds. Then the ocean comes into view. A single ship is out on the ocean. It is only a merchant ship so I leave it be. If it were a hunter ship- hunter ship. A hunter ship took Astrid. Ah! Why can I see her in every thing, both good and bad!
      "Don't worry Astrid, I will find you." I whisper as I turn back to watching the wispy clouds lace themselves around my hand.

Astrid's P.O.V
I sit up groggily before noticing I can't sit up. In still tied to that chair which managed to flip over in the crash. I wince as I flip the chair onto it's side and pieces of glass fall around me. I feel a few shards in my forehead and my hair but ignore the pain for now. A few shards of glass wouldn't matter if I was dead by morning.  I survey my surroundings to find that I am on a beach and surrounded by ship debris. I feel something stinging and wet. I look down to see my arrow wound bleeding again but sand sticking to it and cold ocean water lapping over it.
      After many failed attempts I am able to stand because one of the chair legs broke off during the crash. I stand and brace myself before falling backwards onto the ground. I smirk beneath the pain when I hear a satisfactory crunch and splintering noise, indicating that the chair broke. I slip my foot out of the rope and walk off to find something sharp. A few moments later I see a stray dragon root arrow from the ship and grab it. I effectively saw it against my binds with avail. I sigh happily as I am free to stretch my arm for the first time in two days. Now for the wound that my captors caused and neglected. I really shouldn't have worn my favorite pants but I have more at the Edge. I take the arrow tip and slice off my pant leg starting at the area where the arrow punctured my flesh. I gasp slightly as I see it. This does not look good. It looks disgusting as blood and chunks of other things come out. I wish Gothi was here. The only thing I can remember about arrow and muscle wounds right now is that you need to stanch the bleeding and find some natural type of healer. Well, salt water might be my best bet right now. I cut off another part of the already dismembered pant leg and submerge it the water. After I am sure it is saturated I take the strip and tie it tightly around my wound and another strip below it to stop the bleeding. I gasp when the water enters the wound and stings me from the core. 'You can do this Astrid, Hoffresons survive' I tell myself. After a few moments I shakily stand up only to fall again. I grind my teeth together as I stand again, with success might I add, and begin to limp towards the Forrest. In the three days I was with the hunters Viggo never gave me food or water so for now my best chance at surviving and staying strong, especially with a wound like mine, is to find food and fresh water. As I walk something seems vaguely familiar about this place. Suddenly as a blur of black runs around me and a blow dart hits my chest I know where I am.

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