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Astrid's P.O.V
     I literally just walked straight into a Triple Stryke, only I don't have anything to tame it with.
     "Oh Thor." I mumble as it roars in my face. I hear it's tail clicks and quickly roll out of the way. Okay now or never. I split my makeshift cane in half to make my own clicks when it is shot out of my hand by two of the three tails. The third one goes for my head but I expertly flip backwards. Okay plan B, run! I jump up and start running in the opposite direction of where I need to go until the Triple Stryke lands in front of me. Okay I'm going to need to be more cunning than plainly running through the foliage where I can easily be tracked. No, I must be stealthier than that. I jump up and begin to zig zag westward until I come to a ravine.
"Oh Gods help me." I mutter as the dragon approaches. I take a step back and fall into the oblivion of the ravine.

Hiccup's P.O.V
"Lad, you got another Terror mail. My guess is it is the Viggo man again. But I do have a question, didn't he die?" Gobber asks, lumbering over with the parchment in his hands. His question makes my blood run cold. With all that is going on I never stopped and thought about it. He did die didn't he? I watched him fall into lava for crying out loud!
"Apparently not. By that does leave a question, is this really Viggo we are dealing with?" I say as I open the parchment and begin to read aloud.
"Hiccup I really thought you were above all this. Sinking ships, that's child's play. None of my men will give you the answers you desire so why don't you put your time to use and try and follow my clues. Honestly Hiccup, the worthy adversary you once were is slowly leaving you as your brain is becoming more and more stressed. Feel the pressure? A young woman's life is laying on your shoulders along with the lives of all of your friends. How do you expect to protect an entire tribe as chief of you can't even protect the invincible Astrid Hofferson from her impending death? Your tribe is far from invincible so tell me, how do you plan to do it. I'm giving you two weeks. If you can not find the girl then meet with me for negotiations of her life, assuming she still is alive. Find her, no negotiations, whether she is dead or alive is up to her for two weeks unless you get there sooner. Take care Hiccup Haddock and fellow dragon riders," I sigh heavily in thought, "once more, signed Viggo."
"What are we going to do Hiccup! At this point Hofferson could possibly be dead if Viggo is telling the truth!" Spitelout finally roars.
"Don't put anymore pressure on my son Spitelout!" My father roars while the others begin to chose sides and shout at each other.
"Squawk!" Chicken makes some noise as she puffs out her chest and ruffles her feathers. She walks over and begins pecking on Dagur's boot.
"Get off me you feathered roast!" He shouts trying to get the chicken off his foot.
"Leave my chicken alone!" Tuffnut shouts at Dagur protectively picking up Chicken while Ruffnut hits her twin over the head.
"Focus Tuffnut! Chicken won't help us find Astrid!" She shouts and suddenly the twins are fighting.
"EVERYONE QUIET!" I shout at the top of my lungs causing everyone to go silent, "I have a plan."
"Oh great another plan. How've the last ones been working out boy?" Spitelout grumbles again earning a death glare from Heather. He shrinks back and mutters a never mind while everyone looks at me to continue.
"A team, go back to sinking ships. As many as you can find. The berserkers and riders will go searching again." I say mounting up once again. Surprisingly enough no one argues and allows us to fly off.
"Watcha thinking of brother." Dagur says flying up next to me on his green Gronkle, Shattermaster.
"The same thing I've been thinking of since we lost her." I chuckle incredulously to myself.
"You mean what you could have done to save her. What would have happened if it were you instead." Dagur says, shockingly enough, with wisdom in his voice.
"How do you know all this. No offense but aren't you, well, deranged?" I ask, my confusion clearly palpable.
"Yes but I think too. What if one day Heather is taken or killed in battle. What if they take Shattermaster again. That's the thing, we all know the risks. We are Vikings, some of us a bit more deranged than others." He says rubbing Shattermaster affectionately on the side of his head. I never thought about things from that perspective. Astrid always knew the risks of the recon flight and being a part of the dragon riders. She was more willing than anyone to put her life on the line for this cause.
     "Thanks.... Brother." I tell him before flying off, leaving him emotionally touched that I called him brother.
     "Hiccup! Island ahead! Covered in Whispering Death holes and poisonous plants. Could possibly be where Astrid is." Fishlegs shouts from up ahead.
    "Okay guys. Groups of two and three. Let's bring her home." I shouts as we split up, twins and heather, Snotlout and Dagger, Me and Fishlegs. We're coming Astrid.

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