I Can Summan An Army

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Astrid' P.O.V
Immediately I am in warrior mode. I am overjoyed to see our friends don't get me wrong, but the menacing armadas that belong to the man who tried to kill us all in the background sort of puts a damper on the mood. I am about to launch into my plan but then a familiar cawing from behind me caused me to turn around in shock to see my beautiful blue Nadder affectionately running toward me.
     "Stormfly!" I shot as I race to hug her, temporarily forgetting the war.
      "I've missed you girl." I cry out happily as I embrace her bringing tears to everyone's eyes. Suddenly it feels like a while in my heart has been filled. 'Hiccup was right' I think as I remember our talk about the moon then other night. Suddenly Stormfly hisses and launches a tail spike at the ships in the distance, reminding me of the war.
"Alright everyone, sentiment aside! A team! You must go prepare defenses along the beach, we have at least two hours before the ships arrive! Stoick, Gobber, and Spitelout you will be fighting as our first line of defense. Daggur and Snotlout, you two will focus on retrieving Heather and Gustav before meeting me and the other riders in the sky. Is everyone clear on their roles!" I shout quickly and confidently receiving a chorus of yes ma'ams even though most outrank me. Everyone knows not to mess with a Hofferson once they are in battle mode.
"Well than what are you waiting for! Move!" I shout at the Auxiliary riders who flock to the beaches to prepare our defense perimeter. Only Stoick, Gobber, and the dragon riders were left.
"Okay gang now listen up. Dad, I want you to write to Mala and request assistance, we could use some coverage from ships too. Their island is not far from here so they should arrive just in time if we get that terror mail out immediately. Gobber I want you to sharpen any weapons we have here then if you can help the A Team. Daggur, Snot, go prepare your plan to rescue Heather and Gustav. Just, please show it to me so I can proof read it. Astrid and other riders you are with me for strategizing! We have two hours people lets move!" Hiccup shouts with such confidence and tranquility if you didn't know it was him you would have never guessed that he was once a scared little teenager who was the runt of his tribe. Now anyone who saw him would believe he was always the breadwinner and always made his family proud. I couldn't be prouder of him.
     "Oh, Fishlegs figured you'd need this lad." Gobber says going to his sadly pouch and pulling out Toothless' red tailfin.
     "Looks like you didn't need that boar then." I joke while Toothless' eyes widen upon realizing what he was wearing. With desperate flapping motions he bangs his tail again and again on the ground until the boar skin tailfin breaks off and flies in the other direction. He growls at it and shoots a plasma blast at it for good measure.
      "Toothless! I could've still used the metal framework!" Hiccup whine while Toothless shoots a plasma blast at his feet causing him to jump backwards while we hold our sides from laughter.
     "Okay bud, save it for the battle. We don't want you to run out of fire before we reach the air." I say walking over and patting his head, eliciting a happy and understanding warble from the dragon.
     "Useless reptile." Hiccup mutters this time earning a tail slap from Toothless.
     "Okay! Toothless stop beating me up! I have a girlfriend for that." He pleads this time earning my wrath.
      "And what's wrong with this so called girlfriend?" I ask sweetly and innocently while menacingly sharpening my axe. Everyone visibly gulps and the twins cover each other's eyes except they're the twins so of course they peek through the fingers.
     "Nothing is wrong with that! Just pointing out to Toothless that you can beat me up easily so I don't need him to?" Hiccup worriedly offers as I advance with my axe before stopping and laughing at his face.
     "Okay I've had my fun. Now strategies people lets hear em!" I shout while placing my axe at my side.
    "There are at least 200 ships out there, with only fifteen dragon riders. we will need to split into groups and attack certain sections." Fishlegs offers immediately to us.
     "Okay then but if any other groups are in trouble do not feel like you must stay in your area, help each other like we always do, got it?" Hiccup asks while we all nod. He takes a deep sigh as if in thought while marking down and labeling sections on a map.
     "Okay, Gobber, Dad, Fishlegs and Daggur, once Heather is with you I expect you two to go to section A. Gothi, Twins and Snotlout, once with Gustav you all will take section B. Spitelout, Bucket and Mulch you're with me and Astrid. My group will cover section C. Once  that is over everyone report back to me. Any questions?" Hiccup report pointing to each area on the map as he speaks.
     "Uh yeah, what about Viggo? You never mentioned taking him down and after everything he has done, my fists could use a good connection to his face." Snotlout growls while cracking his knuckles.
     "Don't worry Snot, Hiccup and I have a plan for that." I sigh rolling my neck to crack the bones giving everyone a chill down their spine.
     Over the next two hours everyone was diligently working on defense on the beaches while Hiccup and I spoke with Daggur and Snotlout about how to get out friends back.
     "Hiccup, do you remember that time Alvin kidnapped Astrid?" Snotlout suddenly exclaims causing all of us to jump and me to shiver at the memory.
     "Yes but how is this relevant Snot?" Hiccup asks confused while placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.
      "We used smoke to make it so he couldn't see then crashed into his boat! You then were able to swoop down and help Astrid out. We could do the same here!" He says excitedly while the puzzle pieces fall into place.
      "That's genius Snothat! Okay but instead of ramming his boat with another one we could use Shattermaster!" Daggur exclaims giddily, "Oh this whole plan gives me goosies!" I recoil a bit at the odd statement but chuckle awkwardly with Hiccup as Snotlout rolls his eyes as if to say, 'You had to pair me with this one didn't you?' 
      "Yes we did Snotlout. Figured you'd want to help rescue Heather." Hiccup chuckles while Snotlout realizes he said that out loud.
     "Oh well I guess I can't argue with that." He says kissing his flexed muscles while I gagged.
      "Hiccup! Viggo is here!" Stoick shouts flying in on Skullcrusher. With a nod to me and the riders Hiccup mounts Toothless.
     "Lets ride dragon riders." He simply says and with that we fly off into battle.
     Right from the start we knew we were outnumbered. Even with the dragons we can't fight off two hundred ships! The more we destroy more seem to appear! Thankfully we were able to rescue Heather and Gustav but even with their help we were doomed.
    "Any word from Mala or Throk?" I ask Hiccup as Spitelouts zooms down on his dragon to fire at an attacking ship.
      "Nothing yet." He says dodging a few hunter arrows.
     "Hey love birds! A little help!" Spitelout calls from below. We look down to see that his dragon had been shot and they were going down.
     "UHG these Jorgensons." I huff as I fly down to retrieve them. I grab Spitelout's hand right before he hits the water and help him onto Stormfly while she grabs his dragon in her talons.
     "Thank you Miss Hofferson." Spitelout thanks me while I drop him on the beach.
      "Whatever. Just don't get your dragon or yourself killed while I'm gone." I mutter before flying back to Hiccup who was sinking as many ships as he could although it appeared not to do anything.
     "Hiccup we need reinforcements!" I shout while narrowly dodging a dragon root arrow, I have no desire to come in close contact with one of those again.
     "I know Astrid but it doesn't look like we will be getting some anytime soon. Unless you can summon an army we are just going to have to wait it out." He says while sinking a ship. Then it hits me.
      "Hiccup! I can!" I shout causing him to give me a bewildered look.
     "Astrid I was being sarcastic! There is no way you can do that." He says thinking I've gone insane.
    "Oh but I can. Cover me!" I shout as Stormfly and I zip back towards the east side of the island. I have a certain little friend who will not be so happy to see me. Actually, a lot of little friends. Suddenly I am in Death Song territory.
      "Okay girl I need you to trust me, don't fall for her song." I tell my dragon as the larger dragon comes into view.
      "Hold..." I whisper as I see the Death Song ready her amber, "NOW!" I shout as she releases it causing Stormfly to zip to the side, out of harm. The enraged dragon tires again and again but we elude her each time until she is furious.
      "NOW STORMFLY!" I shout causing my Nadder to quickly turn around and zip back towards the East. I turn around to see the dangerous dragon following us. Normally a dragon won't leave it's territory but Death Songs are vain creatures and when enraged are blinded by their anger, so I've decided to use this to my advantage. As Stormfly and I slice through the air in a zig zag pattern I turn around to see the minion dragons from earlier rising into the air too, good everything is falling into place. I knew the minion dragons were now nothing but minions and were looking for a new master so just their luck that a large and deadly dragon so happened to fly their way. Soon enough we are already back at the battle sight, which is strange because from what I've heard it took the others two hours to fly over the island, but I guess they were moving slowly to try and spot us.
     "Death Song! Fire!" Was shouted from below as I ducked down. All the hunters began shooting at the Death Song. The furious dragon bore down on them, temporarily forgetting all about me and enraged that it was being shot it. Soon the minion dragons follow suit and begin attacking the ships as well.
     "Astrid this is genius!" Hiccup shouts as he flies over to meet me.
     "Yeah I know." I chuckle as we fly down to fight. Within an hour almost all the ships were gone, until a new armada appeared from the North.
     "Hiccup the dragons are tired we can't go on much longer!" Heather exclaims as she comes over to us.
    "By Odin, looks like we won't have to for much longer." Hiccup says pointing behind us where another armada was appearing from the South, an armada that bore the crest of the Defenders of the Wing. Everyone cheered as ships clashed with ships. Mala and Throk wave at us while attacking another ship.
"Lets go clean up gang!" Hiccup shouts while my heart swells with pride. Al the riders dip down and go to finished off the ships while the once angry Death Song stares at the scene in satisfaction.
Soon all the ships are gone in a heap of splintered wood and smoke. Only one is left.
"Show time milady." Hiccup says to me, ghosting a smile as we swoop down and land on Viggo's ship.
"Ah look it's my favorite couple in the Archipelago! To what do I owe the honor." Viggo smiles smugly.

Hiccup's P.O.V
"Well lets see, you kidnapped Astrid, tried to kill all of us, then sent a mammoth of a dragon at us!" I shout angrily, loosing my cool for a second.
"Oh so I see you met project DeathRinger." He smirks at us while holding one hand behind his back.
"See? Told you we didn't need to name it once it was dead, it already had a name." Astrid smirks while sassing me as Viggo's jaw dropped.
"YOU KILLED IT! Never thought I'd see the day when Hiccup Haddock would kill a dragon."
"There comes a time when a Viking has to do what a Viking has to do," I say with my voice laced with ice, "Like now."
"Oh I'm so scared. Lets see what the great dragon trainer has up his sleeves now ladies and gents!" Viggo laughs nervously. I scowl and drop a dagger into the water causing Viggo to laugh.
"That old trick I taught you Hiccup? You think I'd be stupid enough to bring ships where the Submarippers were? No, I moved them." Viggo barks with laughter while I merely stay calm, cool, and collected.
"No I know that. But the waters around Dead North Island are breeding grounds for Scauldrons at this time of year so we've just interrupted some very unhappy dragons. Good luck Viggo." I comment quite offhandedly and icily as realization dawns on his face.
"Goodbye you son of a half troll." Astrid growls as she punches him in the face causing him to fall backwards after the ship.

Viggo's P.O.V
I could feel the Dragon Eye slip out of my hand as I fell off the ship. Now Hiccup has it! I am filled with such hate and rage I almost don't see the two very unhappy Scauldrons looking me directly in the eye. I gasp, choking on salt water, and try to swim away but it is no use. Next thing I feel is searing hot water and pain then nothing.

Astrid's P.O.V
I am not going to lie, it felt nice when my fist connected with Viggo's face. I never wanted to kill a man but he forced my hand, it was him or everyone else on this planet.
"Hey," Hiccup says placing a hand on my shoulder making me jump, "You okay?"
"I'll be fine." I chuckle mirthlessly.
"You've been away too long, lets go home." He offers and with a smile but I shake my head no.
"No, there is something I must do first. Stay right here." I instruct and fly off to where we left Fire Lilly. I fly there and sadly instruct Stormfly to pick her up in her talons and fly back to the boat where I let her rest on the middle. I take my axe and jump off midair from Stormfly to use the momentum to slice the sail of the ship. I then use the sail to lay over the dragon. Before we came back though we had made one more stop. I lay a single Lilly on her covered body before instructing everyone to silently leave the ship.
"There do I see my father, my mother, and my brothers and my sisters. They bid me take my place among them in the halls of Valhalla.... where the brave shall live forever." I cry out the incantation with passion but respect as we direct our dragon fire at the ship. Normally we would use fire arrows but this was a dragon and she deserved to go to Valhalla a dragon.
"I'm ready to go home now." I smile sadly while blinking back the tears, I've cried enough for her. With an understanding look everyone flies back to the Edge.

A/N: There it is! Last chapter! Expect an epilogue in a few hours. Now that big question... do you want a sequel? If not I won't do it but if you want one then I'll get started on it. Let me know what you think!

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