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Heather's P.O.V
"We must go after them!" Stoick shouts about to dive down. I fly in his way as to prevent him to do so.
"No Stoick. Hiccup is fine, he has Toothless. If we go down now it would be suicide. We need to have time to think this through." I firmly state. Stoick looks back and forth between the the island and me before sighing and turning Bone Crusher around. I look back to the island where me friends are one last time.
"Go find her Hiccup. Bring my best friend home." I murmur and fly Windshear back towards the edge.

Hiccup's P.O.V
"Toothless! Toothless!" I shout after my dragon. Once we fell we were separated so I'm looking for him in the forest. Suddenly I see smoke. Maybe it's Toothless? Probably not but I'll check it out anyways.
"One of these days doing stupid things like these is going to get me killed." I mutter as I push a flaming branch out of the way. I hear a growl and run towards it to find myself in a clearing. In the middle of the clearing there are a pack of Speed Stingers and the Monstrous Nightmare from earlier. It looks like it is protecting something. I see a bit of blonde hair and Gronkle iron poke out from under the Nightmare's wing.
"Astrid!" I shout and run straight at the dragon, who just managed to fend off the pack of Speed Stingers. The dragon must have been protecting its latest meal. I pull out my Dragon Blade and throw it at the dragon, who just narrowly misses death by my sword by jumping away. She tries to take a step forward towards Astrid but I start throwing rocks at her. When one hits her nose she turns her head and leaves, but not before turning to look at Astrid again with a look of sorrow and regret.
     "Go on! Leave her alone!" I shout threateningly raising another rock. The dragon exhales smoke from her nostrils and runs the other way. I never wanted to hurt a dragon but when it comes to choosing between Astrid and a wild dragon it is no question which way my heart will lead me. I gingerly pick up the blonde and carry her away, those Speedstingers will be back for more later and we don't want to be here when they come back.
     After half an hour of walking on foot we reach a suitable spot, ten minutes away from the nearest river. This way we are far enough to not be bothered by dragons who wish to drink at the river or those Speedstingers. I gingerly lay her down with her back resting on a rock and begin to inspect her wounds. Luckily the burns are only first degree and should heal rather quickly, maybe a week's time. I lift her palms skywards to find even more burning, slightly more severe but still only first degree. She must have tried to tame the dragon so she was burned.
     "Oh Astrid." I murmur sadly as I inspect the bump and blood on the back of her head. Suddenly her eyes open to reveal ocean blue.
     "Astrid!" I shout happily and hug her.

Astrid's P.O.V
    "Oh Astrid." A boy with auburn hair and green eyes says as he inspects me. I take this time to fully open my eyes to tell this man I'm awake.
     "Astrid!" He shouts in joy and embraces me. I let out a small scream and jump away from him.
     "W-who are you? And who is Astrid?" I say in a shaken voice. I can't remember remembering to speak, or anything. Suddenly I realize I don't know who I am or my history.
     "Who am I!?" I cry out. Before I can help it I start crying and hyperventilating. The man with auburn hair immediately comes over and grabs my forearms.
     "You don't remember me?" He asks with heartbreak in his voice. I shake my head no.
     "It's me, Hiccup. You don't remember anything at all? Not those past three years?" He asks again to which I promptly shake my head no.
     "Well then, you're name is Astrid Hofferson. You are my best friend and I love you. You are my best dragon rider and the strongest out of us all. You have a dragon named Stormfly, remember?" He asks making me cry harder shaking my head.
     "Okay, you will get your memories back you must have hit your head hard in that dragon fight. You were covered in burns and blood when I found you." The man, I mean Hiccup, tells me.
     "THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS DRAGONS!" I wail placing my head farther into my hands. I can't breath, my breaths become shorter and more rapid.
     "Hey hey! It's okay, Astrid there are dragons." He says right as a black thing comes jumping out of the bushes and attacks Hiccup.
     "HICCUP!" I scream but stop as he starts laughing.
      "Astrid, meet Toothless, my Night Fury." He explains showcasing him with his hands.
     "Night Fury?" I ask, standing up and slowly approaching the dragon. 'Toothless' offers a gummy smile which makes me laugh. Okay so maybe everything will be alright. This Hiccup, guy seems nice and so does this dragon. I like this world I come from. As I watch the sunlight flicker in his green eyes I realize that the other me must be really special to have his love.

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