Now is Later isn't it?

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Astrid's P.O.V
I jumped out of the way of the fire, pulling Hiccup with me, right on time. The flames hit the trees behind us, scattering several small dragons from the premises. I immediately recognize them as Night Terrors.
     "Okay I've never seen this dragon before." I shout as we continue to dodge the flames. This dragon is persistent, it is almost like it wanted us to find him so he could have some fun.
     "I know." Hiccup sighs as he fends off the smaller dragons with his dragon blade.
     "You know? Hiccup how are we going to defeat this thing then!" I shout incredulously while dodging another attack.
      "What? I can't know everything!" He responds making me scoff. He is the nerd right?
       "You are a Hiccup! That's your job!" I shout before turning my full attention to the large dragon in front of me. I can hear Hiccup groan and I am about to chuckle when the dragon directs its main focus on me. He lets out another roar and breaths more fire. I backflip out of the way and get back into my defensive stance before trying to analyze my opponent. Large, same size as the queen, murky reddish brown coloring, spikes coming from his spine and head, like a crown. At the end of his wings there are hooks that he is using to try and swipe at us. His fire seems more like a distraction and a cover for his wing swipes or when he tries to smash us with his tail.
     "Hiccup! Incoming!" I shout as I see the tail about to pound down on Hiccup like all of Thor's mighty hammer to the fragile earth. Toothless then knocks Hiccup out of the way as the blow almost hits. Keeping Hiccup protectively under his wing, Toothless fires a plasma blast at the side of the dragon's head. With an angry roar the dragon cranes its neck round to see Hiccup and Toothless. As it repositions it neck and head I see a bald spot and gasp. This must be its weakness! On the right side of his neck the area is a patch with no scales for it is near the joint of neck and shoulders, if dragons have shoulders that is. I check to confirm my suspicions by throwing a rock and hitting the bald spot directly. It cries out loudly and blasts its fire at me directly this time. I am only able to escape when Hiccup and Toothless tackle me out of the way and behind a tree.
     "Astrid you have enough burns on your body right now. If I had seen you from a distance I would have bought you were a burned marshmallow." He notes as we scurry to hide behind a large rock.
     "Hey! Are you calling me fat!" I shout looking down at my stomach to still see that I am thin as ever. I chuckle inwardly as I see Hiccup's face go bright red, and not from the heat of the fire
     "N-no. In fact I th-think you're- you're beautiful. I, uh, haha I'm gonna shut up now because you have an axe and a deadly glint to your eyes." He chuckles nervously as I eye my axe.
     "But any more burns you will look like a burnt piece of THIN yak bacon." He kisses my cheek before rushing back into battle.
      "That Little-" I mumble, "HICCUP HORRENDOUS  HADDOCK ONE MORE WORD AND I WILL TAKE YOUR OTHER LEG!" I shout along with my war cry as I attack at the dragon again. He smashes his two right next to me and I narrowly have time to dodge the attack.
      "So," I mumble rolling over next to him, "Why did you not tell me you had my axe." He looks at me incredulously as he draws out the flame from his fire sword. 
     "You want to do this now!" He asks while taking care of a smaller dragon that had attempted to sneak behind me.
     "Well I can't ask you if we've been horribly killed so I want to know before we pass through the gates of Valhalla. Plus now is later isn't it?" With an expertly placed blow I land another rock on the dragon's weak spot, "also aim for that bald patch. It appears to be its only weakness."
     "Okay and I didn't tell you because I thought you would attack me with it for taking almost two weeks to find you." He  explains while his eyes widen at my raised axe.
     "Duck!" I shout as I swing the axe towards his head. He crouches down just in time as the flat part of my axe hits a small dragon and knocks it out cold.
     "And you are probably right but still, don't get between a girl and her axe." I mumble when suddenly the dragon stops attacking us. It only emits a loud and low roar causing all of the dragon's to flank his sides.
     "Hiccup! Hiccup help me! HICCUP!" I hear my voice scream.

A/N: Cliffhanger! Okay revealing big news in




And this isn't the end of the chapter. Okay here it is.

Hiccup's P.O.V
     "Hiccup! Hiccup help me! HICCUP!" I hear Astrid scream in front of me except she is beside me. We look at each other right as another scream goes off.
     "Astrid! Astrid I'm here help!" I hear my voice shout this time. Astrid and I look at each other in confusion as a much louder scream is heard.
     "HICCUP I CAN'T DO IT! HELP!" Astrid's voice sounds again only this time I was staring at her and her mouth never moved. These screams sound just like the ones we heard in the forest when we were searching for each other. The big dragon emits a dragon laugh as maybe twenty or so smaller dragons come out from under its wings. Each have their mouths open and one by one imitate us. So if Astrid never called for me and she thought I called for her then that means.... I suddenly gasp and grab Astrid's arm.
     "We are in over our heads. We need to get out of here now!" I shout and pull her into the foliage with surprisingly no protest from the large dragon.

Unknown P.O.V
     I watch the two leggeds flee and can not help but boom with laughter. My mimic dragons did the trick! Now I can have them second guessing themselves and each other. Soon my job will be complete and I will be free from the angry man with the burned hand and bad attitude.

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