Chapter 10
"Hey Harp." I said feeling grateful that I could talk to him without actually seeing him.
"Hey, what's up?" He asked as I heard the sound of pool balls crashing into each other in the background.
"I wanted to talk about Julie."
"What about her?"
"Harp, what do you feel towards her?"
"I don't know what you mean by that. Am I supposed to feel something towards her?"
"That's exactly what I mean! You don't treat her like she means anything."
"This sounds a bit dramatic," he replied flippantly
"I need you to realise that Julie is my girlfriend, and that you should treat her right. If you had a girlfriend you loved, and that I didn't like, I'd be nice to her just for your sake. That's what I want; you putting in some effort and getting to know her, okay?"
"Fine, I'll try."
"I need you to take this seriously Harp."
"I do, what more can I say?"
"Promise me."
"I promise," he gave in.
"It means a lot to me."
"I know. Are you doing anything tonight?"
I paused. "Yeah."
"Oh, ok, just thought you'd be free to hang out."
Second best from first place...?
"I had already made some plans, but we can hang tomorrow maybe?" I said consolingly.
"Sure, I got to go."
Well, that was done even though I had a feeling Harp would still be difficult.
"Your friend's here," my mom shouted from downstairs as if I couldn't make out the sound of the doorbell ringing.
"I'm coming!" I called out as I tied my shoe laces.
My mom was finally off from work, and she would be free for three days before she took the morning shift, then night shift again.
I respected her job a lot after seeing how much care patients required, and how nauseating it actually was to care for them after they had messed themselves up and keep a warm encouraging face; definitely not a job for the likes of me!
When I got to the door I found Julie and my mom talking. It was one of those talks where one person speaks animatedly while the other listens closely waiting for their cue.
"What are you gossiping about?" I asked playfully leaning against the wall.
"You know we don't gossip!" My mom said placing her hands on her hips over-dramatically.
"And pigs fly!" I said before turning to welcome Jules with a simple girlie hug.
I wasn't a complete house cat or anything of the sort, but my mother was totally thrilled about me going out of the house for more than just Harper, school or tampons. She liked Jules a lot and kept on telling me to "always be friends with such nice girls."
Sometimes I wondered how she would take my being a homosexual. I had a fear that she would attribute it to the fact that she and Frank worked long hours, and that I went unsupervised most of the time.
"We have to go now," I said towing Jules behind me before my mom broke into another story.
"Goodnight Mrs. Goodstart," Jules called out as the door shut behind us.
It was a great thing that it was dark, because the first thing we did when we got inside the car was share tongue.
"I missed you," she said pressing her forehead to mine.
"Me too," I agreed brushing my finger over her cheek.
I gave her the directions and we were soon on our way. Instead of entering the city, we branched off towards a housing estate.
"Here we are," I said as the car pulled up in front of the pub and restaurant.
As soon as we got outside the car, Jules froze. "What's that noise?" She asked apprehensively.
"Let's just say that those are football fans enjoying the Man City versus Man United Derby -the duo going against each other is always a big deal," I explained opening the door for her as a wave of fresh chanting poured out.
"Why are they singing?" She asked looking at the congregation sitted next to the bar in sky-blue and red jerseys.
"It keeps the adrenaline pumping, plus, all teams have an anthem for celebrating a win or mourning a loss."
We walked towards the back where there were quieter customers sitting in booths.
"What is Guyness?" She asked pronuncing the word wrong.
"It's Guinness, like guinea then add s, Guinness. It's Irish beer or something, and it's dark in colour, tastes kinda burnt and isn't runny like normal alcohol."
"I want to order that," she said eyeing the menu closer. "What's haggis?"
"It's like grilled minced meat, liver and or kidney of sheep or cows, made like a long sausage inside animal intestine."
She made an ew face before she continued perusing the menu.
At the end we settled on beer, fish, chips and yes; a quarter of a haggis spiral.
"Ok, so this doesn't taste bad," Jules said biting hard on the rubber-like wall of the haggis.
"And the chili is just hot enough," I said swallowing a generous amount of beer right from the mug.
"Tonight was fun," Jules slurred as I dropped her home. "Don't forget tomorrow," she said wrapping her arms round my neck as she moved her lips towards mine.
"I wont," I said in between kisses. "I have to get going," I said tearing her arms from me. I knew if I let her keep up with her games we'd end up inside her bedroom.
I left her with the nanny and hurried home. I'd bring her car back tomorrow when we had our study date.
When I got home, I made a bee-line straight to the bathroom. Weeing had never felt so good!
I stumbled to bed and just collapsed on it fully dressed. Only then in the dead of the night, under cover of dark, did I feel movement from the corner of the room.
"You shouldn't have kept me waiting this long."
My breath hitched as I heard him start towards the bed undoing his belt before I heard the zip get lowered.