Ch 1: Sugar Coat

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"Can we please not talk about this?"

"Aubrey, if there is any time to talk about something, now is the time! You got dumped for like the 6th time in 3 months!" exclaimed Wren.

"Urgh, don't remind me. And it was my 5th time in 4 months, thank you very much." I defended.

"Honey, that's not something to be proud of correcting," she shot back.

"Aren't you supposed to be supportive as my best friend? You know, bring me chocolates and shit?" i said while rolling my eyes.

"I am being supportive! You need to talk about this— what exactly happened last night?"

"Same thing that happens every time. The dick was in love with someone else and I was the bitch standing in his way." I said, flopping onto my bed.

"Right, but the specifics," Wren said.

"Okay, okay fine."

Last night:
"Wren, I really think this guy and I can go far! I know I've had a hard time lately with guys but I really think he could be different," I whispered, waiting for my date to arrive in the restaurant.

"Let's hope so, I really can't stand seeing you get hurt one more time." Wren worriedly replied.

"Don't worry, oh here he comes— wish me luck!"

As I hung up my phone I looked up and eyed my date as he sat down at our table. Standing at a strong 6 feet, Blake was the epitome of being a golden boy from his honey brown hair to his sharp green eyes.

"Hey Blake" I shyly said.
He nodded and half heartedly replied while looking preoccupied with his phone. I have to admit, this was partly my fault for being oblivious to the signs— the bags under his eyes, the way he kept eyeing the door and his phone— he was obviously still hung up on someone. But alas, I ignored the tells and blabbed on and on to him, eager for a guy to be interested in just me and not someone else. Oh how I was wrong once again.

I started off by saying how surprised I was when he called me so suddenly, "I actually thought you and Cassie had a thing going on for a while there."

Blake's eyes instantly darkened and replied with a short, "Well you thought wrong. You look great in that dress by the way," he said as he eyed my tight black dress-- the one that made me feel most confident.

"Hey do you want to get out of here?" he abruptly said, already getting up from his chair.

I wish I had said no and realized what an asshole he was being. But I was desperate and he was reckless, so I followed him to his car. As soon as we got in he leaned over to kiss me, and I kissed him back, not caring that something was wrong. As the kiss intensified, he ran his fingers through my hair and said with a voice I realized wasn't meant for me, "Oh Cassie."

My heart stopped before my mind processed what had just happened. I shut my eyes tight and thought, not again. As i leaned back I saw the regret in his eyes. Not regret for me though, their regret is never for me.

I took a deep breath and said "You fucked up didn't you?"

His eyes widened and asked what I meant.

"It's obvious isn't it? God, I'm so stupid, I should have seen the signs." I paused to look him straight in the eyes.
"You're still in love with Cassie aren't you?  You probably fucked it up bad so you guys broke things off, and you're probably fucking things up even more by being with me. Get your head out your ass and apologize to her, right now. Oh shit, she and her friends probably hate me right now, thinking I'm the bitch who kept you from being with her!"

I groaned as I leaned back in my seat, looking at Blake, who's eyes were still wide.

"How did... how did you know?" He stuttered.

"I go through this a lot more than you'd think. Anyway, I guess I should go, I drove here anyway. Good luck."

As I opened the door to get out, Blake stopped me, saying "Wait! Thank you, I know this isn't ideal but kissing you helped me realize how much I'm in love with Cassie." Ouch. "Anyway, thanks, uhh Addie?" he blushed as he tried to remember my name.

"It's Aubrey," I deadpanned.

"Oh yeah, well Aubrey, thanks for this."

I nodded as I walked to my car, defeated that I had been used once again.

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