Ch 8: Intentions

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After 2 months of shyly flirting and one month of the honeymoon period, Tyler and Wren were completely and totally, head over heels for each other. But as the excitement from their new relationship began to die down, the passive aggressive fights started to begin.

"Yeah, I know I looked at that girl honey, but she had a stain on her butt and I wanted to save her from future embarrassment," Tyler said with a strain.

"You could have told me that sooner, before I went all ape shit on her!" Wren exclaimed.

"Well you could have chosen to trust me, babe."

Noah and I glanced at each other, feeling the tense air between the couple. We were all at the mall, doing some shopping when Wren caught Tyler looking at some girl's ass. I looked over at Noah again and saw that he was quietly grinning to himself. I rolled my eyes, wondering why he just couldn't give up the fact that Tyler and Wren were together. He'd been following them around like a sad puppy and frankly I felt bad for him. I don't even think Tyler or Wren knew about his feelings for her, he was that irrelevant to them-- ouch.

I finally pulled Noah aside so we could give the bickering couple some privacy. He looked at me with hopeful eyes, looking like he had to ask me something.

"Do you think they lo"

"Excuse me," a pretty girl around our age interrupted Noah.

"I'm Caroline. You're Tyler's best friend Noah right? I've seen you around school. I've always wanted to talk to you but I always get nervous around cute boys." She said.

Noah looked surprised.

"Wait you get nervous around me? But, you're so pretty" Noah said, eyeing her silky brunette hair and long legs.

She smiled, and I got suspicious. No truly shy girl would just smile confidently when the guy she was into complimented her like that.

"You're so sweet, no wonder you already have a girlfriend," she said nodding to me.

I almost choked.

Noah and I simultaneously began to correct her. 

"Oh no she and I aren't-"

"Ew no, we're just friends— barely even friends in fact."

Noah gave me a look for my response. I shrugged, knowing I was right. Could you imagine? The best friends of the main couple getting together? How cliche. 

She smirked to herself and moved closer to Noah.

"Well in that case, are you free Saturday night?"

I admit, I was impressed with her forwardness, but I was too suspicious of her to cheer for girl power.

Noah paused and looked at Wren and Tyler now passionately and publicly making out. Guess they made up. He flinched and looked back at Caroline, taking a breath and agreeing.

She gave him her number and left, slowly walking towards the exit.

Noah was smiling, actually looking hopeful for someone other than Wren. I debated telling him what I thought about Caroline and her sketchiness but decided against it. I was probably being overly suspicious anyway.

Saturday night rolled around and I got a text from Danny, a guy from my history class, confirming our date at a nearby restaurant. I sighed as I texted back.

"I swear if this ends up shitty, there's something seriously wrong with me" I mumbled to myself. 

Like a gentleman, he showed at my house 6 O'clock sharp, ringing my doorbell.
The car ride was filled with alternative rock and polite conversations. We eventually got to the restaurant and I actually started to get hopeful, laughing freely at his corny jokes. But as soon as we ordered our drinks, he leaned forward, all business.


"Danny," I mocked.

"So I just want to know how it happens, or when."

I scrunched my eyebrows.

"When what happens?"

"You know, helping me with my relationship."

My heart stopped, but he kept going.

"Some of my friends told me that after they went out with you, they got clarity and that you were the one who helped them— by talking or doing," he cleared his throat, "other things."

I flinched as he referred to the hooking up.

"I've been seeing Claire for this past year, but she dumped me because she thought I loved her too much, treated her like she was fragile."

"So you thought that I would help you get over her?"

"Um, well no. I was thinking more of her getting jealous and realize that I am the guy for her. I know this is super weird and I probably shouldn't have told you any of this but I'm really upfront about my intentions. 

"Your intentions..." I said slowly.
"To use me like every other guy I've dated, treating me like a stepping stool to get to your prize." I said bitterly

He immediately began to shrink.

"I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I'm an idiot. It's nothing to do with you— you're great, but you're not Claire, and I love her."

My insides twist at his blatant honesty.

I sigh and forgive him, at least he was semi nice about it.

"You know you're not getting anything from me, emotionally or physically tonight right? So you might as well go." I said.

I guess I looked defeated because he hesitated.

"I'm really sorry Rey."

"It's Aubrey, to you. Only friends get to call me Rey. Sorry, I'm really upfront about my intentions" I mocked.

I looked away and I felt him stare at me until he finally walked away and left the restaurant.

As soon as I was alone I felt my eyes prick with future tears. I cursed at my emotional self as I quickly stood up and fled to the restroom.

Two minutes into my pity party I heard a knock at the door.

"Excuse me mam, are you okay?" A male voice asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks." I said, sniffing.

The voice paused, before asking, "Aubrey?"

I recognized the voice second time around and I opened the door.


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