Ch 9: You can call me Rey

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Two minutes into my pity party I heard a knock at the door.
"Excuse me, mam, are you okay?" A male voice asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine thanks," I said, sniffing.
The voice paused, before asking, "Aubrey?"
I recognized the voice second time around and I opened the door.
"Noah?"Turns out Noah's big date with Caroline had also been a shit show, with her leaving before dessert and the check. My instincts had been right since she only went out with Noah to get more info on Tyler. On his way to the restroom before heading out he had heard someone crying in the girl's restroom— me. This leads us to 30 minutes later, catching up on the night's events over dessert.

"She does know Tyler and Wren are together right? Also, how did you find that she was using you?" I asked

"Yeah, but she thinks Tyler and her are "meant to be" or some shit. And once she kept asking about Tyler and Wren I kind of inferred what was going on. Once I called her out for it and refused to help her she called me an asshole and stormed out."

"Oh my god. I knew she was crazy!!" I declared

Noah rolled his eyes as he asked about my situation, "So guys just use you to get over their exes and somehow make them go running back to who they "truly love"?"

I nodded.

"But this guy just cut to it and asked you what the process of getting his ex back was? Emotionally or um physically?"

I nodded again.

"God, that is so messed up. I can see why you were crying in the bathroom." He solemnly replied.

"And girls use you to get an in with your best friend. What a messed up pair we are." I said

"Cheers to that!" He replied as he lifted his coke.

"Maybe we just suck at picking people to date. It can't be all us right?" I said desperately.

He shrugged as he took a thoughtful sip of his drink. All of a sudden his eyes widened and he almost choked on his Coke with excitement.

"WAIT. What if you and I chose each other's dates?" He sputtered out.

"Are you crazy? We can't even find anyone ourselves, how are we supposed to find people for each other?" I asked

"Exactly! Our history follows a pattern. Maybe it's because we're blind at choosing good dates. If we choose each other's dates, maybe the results would finally be different."

I slowly nodded, seeing his point. We shook on it when I finally agreed.

"I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship Aubrey."

I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath, "you can call me Rey."

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