Ch 6: Ultimate Apology

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     At lunch, we were all taking about the big game coming up when Leah brought up the English project.

"So what character are you guys doing?" She asked Anna and I; unfortunately, Wren didn't have our lunch, and instead had the lunch right after us.

Anna and I locked eyes and nodded,
"Ophelia" we said simultaneously.

"Of course you guys would, who's Wren doing?"

"Besides wishing to be 'doing' Tyler, I think they chose Laertes." Anna said with a snicker.

"Who doesn't have a fantasy about Tyler? He's so hot and pretty nice-- except for his occasional douchiness." Leah dreamily sighed.

"Oh! That reminds me," I interjected
"What's Noah's deal? Does he have a thing for Wren?"

Leah and Anna both exchanged looks.

"Oh Aubrey, how clueless can you get? He's been crushing on Wren for the longest time." Leah said.

"Wait he has? Why haven't we tried setting them up?! They'd be cute."

Another look exchanged.

"Honey, he's not really the kind of guy people 'go for'. He's more like the harmless best friend you're nice to to get closer to his hot best friend." Leah bluntly said.

I raised my eyebrows.

This time Anna interjected, "Leah!"
She turned to me, "I know it sounds bad when we put it like that, but it's sadly true. Don't you notice he's always surrounded by girls? Those girls aren't there for him, they're there to catch a glimpse of Tyler, to get an in."

My heart lurched, that sounded all too familiar-- being used for other people's gain.

Both girls noticed my change in mood and quickly said, "aww Rey you know your situation is completely different." They assured.

Yeah,  I'm the side hoe everyone uses to get over their exes and he's the guy you use to get his best friend. What a pair we'd make, I jokingly thought.

As the bell rang to cue the end of lunch, we got up to throw away our trash. On our way out, someone started shouting our names.

"Rey! Anna! Leah! BITCHES"

We all turned around, spotting Wren frantically running toward us.

When she finally reached us, she was out of breath, struggling to say, "Aubrey, Anna do you guys want to work on your project with my group and I? We're going to my house after school."

"I can't go, I have dance after school." Anna said.

"I can go, but I'll work on other things so Anna and I can work on the project tomorrow or something." I said

Wren looked relieved, not wanting to be home alone with two guys-- the awkwardness would be enough to make anyone beg for a friend to come over.

     After school I ran to my car, quickly driving to Wren's house. As usual, I was running late. I rang the doorbell and looked down to my phone, checking my messages. The door  finally opened and i said, "took you fucking long enough bitch, I'm craving one of your dad's cookies so badly" still looking at my phone.

"First of all, language."

My eyes snapped up to the speaker, surprised it wasn't Wren.

"Second of all, we all get out at the same time, how on earth can you be 15 minutes late?" Noah asked

I rolled my eyes, "I like taking my time, now excuse me." I said while pushing past him.

I walked into the living room where Tyler and Wren sat close on the floor, pouring over papers and their laptops.

"Hey Aubrey," Tyler said.

I nodded, weary.

Noah came in after me, and quickly went to sit on the floor, squeezing in between Wren and Tyler.

I plopped on the couch across from them and got out my laptop to work on college applications.

I quietly worked on my essays while they figured out their project.

"So, Wren, why'd you pick Laertes?" Tyler asked.

"Well, he's one of my favorite characters in the play. He stands up and fights for his family, but still has enough integrity to stand down and forgive Hamlet. I'd want someone like that in my life." She looked down, probably thinking about her mom.
She looked back up and said, "and anyway, Ophelia would be too basic to do, no offense Rey."

Both boys looked mesmerized by her answer, forgetting I was even there. Typical.

I looked up and stuck my tongue out.

"Wait what? Does Aubrey like Ophelia or something?" Tyler asked

"Oh here we go," Wren groaned playfully as I sat up straight, clearing my throat.

"Ophelia is one of the most misunderstood characters in the play. She's seen as some crazy psycho singing about flowers but even when she went batshit, there was still intention and purpose in what she did. When she passed those flowers to everyone, there's a theory that each flower was intended for specific people."

The boys exchanged looks.

I cleared my throat, "anyway, yeah she's my favorite literature character of all time."

"Wow, didn't know you had it in you," Tyler commented.

"Had what?" I asked


I nodded slowly, getting up and packing my stuff. Wren got up, saying, "wait Rey, don't leave. You know he's joking."

I looked at her, "I don't have to take anyone's shit and I'm not going to," snapping my eyes to Tyler.

"I'm taking some cookies before I go though."

I walked to the kitchen grabbing the container of cookies meant for me and headed back to the front door. I paused by the living room, listening to their conversation. 

"I really am sorry, I didn't know she'd take it that way, isn't it known she's not very bright though?" Tyler said

"Doesn't mean you call her out on it bro," Noah finally piped up.

I stepped back in, "I'm going to go now guys, see you later. Good luck on your project."

Wren gave me an empathetic smile, knowing I wasn't comfortable there anymore.

"Wait, let me walk you out" Noah said, getting up.

As we reached the front door he gave me a pat on the shoulder and said "I'm sorry for Tyler, he's not really good at being aware of other's feelings. For what it's worth, I agree with Ophelia being the best character. She's bad- ass in a sad, heartbreaking way. Anyway, I should go back, Wren is probably waiting for me."

We both knew she wasn't, but his eyes still lit up at the sound of her laugh back in the living room.

I nodded and gave him a small smile, "thanks for apologizing, it really means a lot to me."

"What, no one apologizes to you?"

"Not really, no."

He nodded, "well, on behalf of everyone who's done you wrong, I will say it for them-- I'm sorry."

I laughed, feeling a warmth I haven't felt in a while. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't tingly butterflies, but a sense of comfort and happiness that only a genuine person could give.

"Good bye Noah"

"See you later!" He replied, eagerly closing the door to return to Wren.

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