Ch 2:Exasperated

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"Aww, Rey I'm so sorry. Why the fuck does this keep happening to you?" Wren said empathetically.

"I don't know; am I really that sucky of a person that none of these guys like me? Is it my personality or my looks? What do the girls who have these guys hooked on them have that I don't have? Oh! You know what it is, it's my intelligence."

Wren gave me a questioning look while I went off in my rant.

"They all know I'm a dumb- ass who makes up for my lack of intelligence with my looks, which makes me look like an easy target to take out and 'have a good time with,' which implies hooking up."

Wren raised her finger about to say something but I was on a roll, yelling, "except that they always fuck it up by saying some other girl's name!"

Wren quickly butt in when I had to take a breather from my long rant.

"Woah woah woah, slow down. First of all just because you have big boobs and platinum blonde hair does not automatically make you easy. I don't know who came up with that notion but it's messed up. Your beauty does not and will never correlate with your level of easiness. Second of all, you are not stupid Rey! Just because you struggle with class work and don't raise your hand 24/7 like you're Hermione Granger does not mean you're not smart. You are one of the greatest writers I now-- I know you like keeping it a secret but I would kill to see the looks on everyone's faces if they read your poetry."

I chuckled and hugged my best friend, sighing as I said, "I just wish that for once, I could meet a boy who could at least say my name."

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