Ch 5: Burn for Burn

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As Monday rolled around Wren and I headed to the library to meet up with our friends.

"Guys, I'm so screwed, Calculus is kicking my ass right now," Leigh, our infamous Korean Debby- downer exclaimed.

"Noo you'll do great, I believe in you!" Anna said while patting Leigh's shoulder.

"Anna, how you remain so optimistic is beyond me," Leigh replied, rolling her eyes at her best friend.

"What's the use in feeling blue?"

"Please tell me you did not just quote Steven Universe" I said.

The playful banter continued until Anna brought up the rumor on the new English assignment.

"Apparently it's a partnered project and you have to do a character analysis on one of the characters from Hamlet. Don't get your hopes up babes, Mrs. Garcia's choosing partners."

Cue collective groaning from all of us.

"Oh no, Mrs. Garcia's infamous for pairing up people she ships," Leigh groaned.

"What kind of teacher does that?" Wren asked.

I pointed to her and said, "exactly."

The bell rang as Leigh and Wren headed to Psychology while Leigh and I headed to French.

"Girl, I'm going to need some of your coffee to get me through French" I said, reaching for Leigh's coffee mug.

As I took a swift gulp, I screamed as the coffee scalded my tongue.

"SHIT! FUCK THAT'S FUCKING HOT," I screamed, catching the attention of multiple people in the hallway, including Tyler and Noah, who both gave me an annoyed look for interrupting their conversation.

Leigh doubled over laughing, struggling to breathe as she struggled to comfort me.

"REY YOU JUST MADE MY DAY, THE LOOK ON THEIR FACES" Leigh exclaimed, continuing to hysterically laugh.

"How hot do you make your fucking coffee Leigh?!"

"As hot as I like my guys-- steaming."

As the day went along, I headed to English, where I plopped down in my seat next to Wren.

"Alright good morning, how was everyone's weekend? Get ready because we are starting a new project on Hamlet, since we just finished the play last week. Pick a character from the play and make anything-- a power point, poster, magazine article-- to show the character development and analysis. Adding on to that, write a poem about that character and post it to the online classroom website. You get today to work on it but the rest is outside work," Mrs. Garcia explained.

The whole class groaned as she started pairing people up.

Alright "Jamie with Ashley, Diana with Charlie, Anna with Aubrey,"

"Yes!" Anna and I both exclaimed.

Mrs. Garcia kept going until she hit the last pair, "and last, Wren and Noah."

I immediately looked at Noah's expression, looking like he won the lottery. He quickly made his way down to our table and stood over me, looking at me impatiently to move.

"Okay, okay, I get the hint, geez I'm going," I exclaimed, slowly getting out of my seat and heading to Anna's table.

Fifteen minutes in the class, someone abruptly came in, hurriedly apologizing for their tardiness.

"It's okay Tyler, we're just working on a new project; your partner will update you on it. Speaking of which, who's Tyler's partner?" Mrs. Garcia asked.

The class went silent as she realized Tyler didn't have a partner.

"Hmm seems like there's an odd number of people. Well, just join Wren and Noah's group then!"

Tyler nodded as he headed to their table as Noah looked crestfallen.

"Hi guys! Hi Wren" Tyler shyly said, smiling at my best friend.

Anna and I exchanged looks, witnessing the whole thing.

"Well this should be interesting," Anna said, eyebrows raised.

I agreed, wondering what was going to happen next.

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